Monday, September 14, 2020

Demon Things volume– Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project

The long awaited volume of articles inspired by the Demon Things conference is now out! It has been released as a special volume of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections. The print publication is also now available through Amazon and other outlets.

To tempt you, here is the table of contents:

Szpakowska, Kasia, ed. 2020. Demon Things: Ancient Egyptian Manifestations of Liminal Entities. Tucson: Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 25.


Introduction Kasia Szpakowska 1-4 

Underworld Demons in the Decoration of the Large Late Period Shaft Tombs at Abusir Ladislav Bareš 5-19 

Disease Demons in Mesopotamia and Egypt: Sāmānu as a Case Study Suzanne Beck 20-33 

The Anatomy of a Coffin Text Demon Zuzanna Bennett 34-45 

Liminal Deities in the Borderlands: Bes and Pataikos in Ancient Nubia Erin E. Bornemann, Stuart Tyson Smith 46-61 

The BAw of Taweret: Vindictiveness (and Forgiveness) of the Hippopotamus Goddess Sabrina Ceruti 61-77 

MnH, "The Butcher" and Lord of the Butcher Demons Amr Gaber 78-95 

The Guardians of Menekhibnekau: Chapter 144 of the Book of the Dead in the Shaft Tomb of Menekhibnekau at Abusir Renata Landgráfová 96-106 

Liminal Sources of Dangerous Powers: A Case of the Black Ram Nika Lavrentyeva, Ekaterina Alexandrova 107-115 

Baba and the Baboon Demons Rita Lucarelli 116-127 

The Impact of the Manifestation of Demoniacal Winds on Terrestrial Life: The Role of Demon Gangs in Dispersing the IAdt-rnpt El Zahraa Megahed 128-137 

Symbolae Sacrae: Symbolic Formulae for Protection and Adoration within the Quarries of Gebel el-Silsila Maria Nilsson 138-158 

A Particular Depiction of Anubis from the Tomb of the Sculptor Nakhtamun (TT 335): Is Anubis a Demon? Arnaud Quertinmont 159-168 

The Maned Hippopotamus at Lahun: Identifying Homes and Names Stephen Quirke, Campbell Price  169-180 

The Slaughterers: A Study of the xA.tyw as Liminal Beings in Ancient Egyptian Thought Danielle Sass 181-200 

Ghosts and Ancestors in a Gender Pespective Renata Schiavo  201-212 

Fear and Loathing at Amarna: A Case Study of the Development of Sacred Objects in Response to Communal Anxiety Kasia Szpakowska 213-226

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