Monday, September 28, 2020

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Egyptology Books and Articles in PDF Online,
On 9/1/20 11:47 AM, Chuck Jones wrote:
Egyptology Books and Articles in PDF Online, [First posted in AWOL 19 December 2013, updated 1 September 2020]

Egyptology Books and Articles in PDF online

Most recent update 1 September 2020; moved to present location August 2017

Number of records 7756

This page aims to collect as many books and articles as possible on Egyptological subjects which are freely accessible to anyone without the need for privileged access. Thus sites such as the Internet Archive, the University of Heidelberg Library, the Oriental Institute, the Metropolitan Museum, the Giza Library, Ancient World Online (AWOL), and many more were searched, as well as attempting to collect links noted in the pages of EEF (Egyptologists' Electronic Forum) News. Sites which require institutional access or a password are not included—thus journals only available on JSTOR and papers available on are excluded. Some articles and books are available at more than one location, and I have tried to give all the options.
This is at present not a database, but one large HTML file. Searching is best done using your browser's Find command. You can jump to the beginning of a letter using the navigation bar below.


Abbadi, Mostafa El, The Edict of Tiberius Julius Alexander, Remarks on its Nature and Aim, BIFAO 65 (1965), p. 215-226 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abbas, Mohamed Raafat, "A Survey of the Military Role of the Sherden Warriors in the Egyptian Army during the Ramesside Period" (ENiM 10, p. 7-23 — 12 mai 2017) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abbas, Mohamed Raafat, "Historical Observations on the Military Role of Three Ramesside Viceroys of Kush" (ENiM 11, p. 33-40 — 22 février 2018) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abbas, Mohamed Raafat, "The Bodyguard of Ramesses II and the Battle of Kadesh" (ENiM 9, p. 113-123 — 28 septembre 2016) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abbas, Mohamed Raafat, "The Canaanite and Nubian Wars of Merenptah: Some Historical Notes" (ENiM 13, p. 133-149 — 11 mai 2020) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El Aal, Sh., "Characterization and Examination of Pigments, Grounds and Media from Ancient Egyptian Cartonnage", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 4, issue 1 (2014): 35-46 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El Aal, Sh., "Evaluation of Biotechnology in the Conservation of wall paintings in the mortuary temple of ramses iii", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2, issue 2 (2012): 79-89 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Hady, M. and A. Abd El Hafez, "Physio-chemical and mechanical deterioration of monumental mud brick in egypt", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2, issue 2 (2012): 103-107 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Hamid, (S.), Desroches, (E.), Vergnieux, (R.), Aménagement et rénovation d'un ancien magasin archéologique de Karnak : le Cheikh Labib, Karnak 8, 1987, p. 369-379 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Hamid, (S.), Discovery of a New Foundation Deposit of Thutmosis III at the East of Karnak. A Preliminary Report (With an Annex about a Stela of Pareemheb), Karnak 8, 1987, p. 41-50 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Hamid, (S.), Golvin, (J.-Cl.), Goyon, (J.-Cl.), Les travaux du Centre Franco-Égyptien de 1981 à 1985. Rapport général, Karnak 8, 1987, p. 9-39 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Hamid, (S.), Une nouvelle statue thébaine d'Aba, Karnak 7, 1982, p. 367-375 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Tawab, N. and M. Askalany, "Study of durability of Alabaster used in the temples of Luxor and Karnak and laboratory evaluation of consolidation treatment", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1, issue 2 (2011): 15-32 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd El-Tawab, N., l. Badr, and A. Mahran, "Analytical Investigation of Cartonnage fragment from late period", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2, issue 2 (2012): 69-78 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abd el-Wahab, Fahmy, La tombe de Sen-nedjem à Deir El Médineh: Croquis de position, Le Caire, 1959, pls. 34-38 – pdf file (5.1 MB) MIFAO 89 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abdalaal, Aisha M., A Granite Statue Base of Ḥr-ỉr-ʿȝ (Cairo N 9107), BIFAO 110 (2010), p. 1-11 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abdel Rahim, N., Analytical Study Of Archaeological Pottery Sarcophagus, Greco Roman Period, From Saqqara, Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 5, issue 2 (2015): 79-86 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abitz, Friedrich, Baugeschichte und Dekoration des Grabes Ramses' VI. (OBO 89) Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989.- 196 pp. - pdf-file (3.7 MB) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abitz, Friedrich, Pharao als Gott: in den Unterweltsbüchern des Neuen Reiches. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abitz, Friedrich, Ramses III. in den Gräbern seiner Söhne. Freiburg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abou Zaid, O., El-Asfar, A., Ezz, A., El-Tayeb, A., Hassan, H., Fathi, O., Azab, M., Beabesh, M., Abd el-Wahab, M., Hassan, A., El-Amir, H. & Yousef, W., New Theban Tombs Mapping Project (NTTMP) Preliminary Report, Seasons 2014-2015, Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 5, issue 1 (2015): 71–77 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abou-Ghazi, Dia', Bewailing the King in the Pyramid Texts, BIFAO 66 (1966), p. 157-164 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abou-Ghazi, Dia', The First Appearance of Re' and his Continuous Being as Depicted in the Pyramid Texts, BIFAO 68 (1968), p. 47-51 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abou-Ghazi, Dia', Two New Monuments inscribed in Hieroglyphics from Ptolemaic Egypt [with 1 photo-plate], BIFAO 66 (1966), p. 165-169 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abramitis, Dorothy H. et al., "Appearance and Reality: Recent Studies in Conservation", The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 55.3 (Winter 1997–1998) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Abu Bakr, Abdel Moneim, Excavations at Giza 1949-1950 (Cairo: Government Press, 1953)
Link to PDF file
Abu-El-Nadar, W. "God Nepri in Ancient Egyptian Religion", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 3, issue 2 (2013): 107-114 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adam, (J.-P.), Pierrat-Bonnefois,, (G.), La chapelle de Thoutmosis III à Tôd, Karnak 11, 2003, p. 65-132 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adams, Barbara, "Discovery of a predynastic elephant burial at Hierakonpolis, Egypt", Archaeology International 2 (1998): 46-50 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adams, C.E.P. (2013) "Natural Resources in Roman Egypt: Extraction, Transport, and Administration", in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 50. 265 - 281. Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adams, William, Publication des poteries d'époques pharaonique, romaine et chrétienne, BIFAO 67 (1967), p. 213-227 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adenstedt, Ingrid , Reconstructing Pharaonic Architecture in Nubia: The Case Study of SAV1, Sai Island. Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie, Band: 80.  Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, Band: 3. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2016 Link to web page
Adler, Katrin, "Tiere im kulturellen Gefüge afrikanischer Gesellschaften – eine Auswahl", Tierkulte im pharaonischen Ägypten und im Kulturvergleich. IBAES IV (2003): 207-228 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Adlerburg, Nickolas T. Pappas, "Unwrapping the Past: A chemical analysis of context lacking artefacts from the Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt in correlation with the process of mummication", Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), Uppsala University, 2013
Link to PDF file
Aegyptiaca 3 (2018), Journal of the History of Reception of Ancient Egypt, has appeared online (for free): Link to web page
AERAGRAM, the official newsletter of Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA), vol. 18, no. 2 (Fall 2017) Link to web page
Afandy, A and A. Taha, "Application of DNA Techniques for Identification of Fungal Communities Colonizing Book of Egypt Volumes V Plances Antiquities", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 4, issue 2 (2014): 105-112 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Agut-Labordère, Damien, and Claire Newton, "L'économie végétale à 'Ayn-Manâwir à l'époque perse: archéobotanique et sourcesdémotiques", ARTA, 2013.005 (2013): 1-49
Link to PDF file
Ahmed M M Ouda, "An Egyptian Scholar at the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology"
Link to PDF file
Ahmed Shams, "Sinai's Unfinished 150-year Survey" (July 2018) Link to web page
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Ad «van Berchem, Jérusalem», nº 136, BIFAO 22 (1922), p. 119-120 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Adversaria semitica [avec 4 planches], BIFAO 38 (1938), p. 1-63 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Glanures de mythologie syro-égyptienne [avec 1 planche], BIFAO 23 (1923), p. 1-25 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Note sur les inscriptions de Ahiram, BIFAO 26 (1926), p. 1-13 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Stèle gréco-juive, BIFAO 30 (1930), p. 787-789 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Un diptyque-écritoire araméen [avec 1 planche], BIFAO 34 (1934), p. 83-91 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Un ex-voto à Astarté [avec 2 planches], BIFAO 25 (1925), p. 191-211 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aimé-Giron, Noël, Un naos phénicien de Sidon [avec 4 planches], BIFAO 34 (1934), p. 31-42 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Akdogan, Rukiye and Oguz Soysal, Chicago Hittite Dictionary Supplements (CHDS) Link to web page Link to PDF file
"Akhénaton : la théocratie solaire" (Dossier), in: Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège, April 2010 Link to web page
Aksamit, Joanna and Rafal Czerner, Deir el-Bahari: The Temple of Tuthmosis III, Season 2000, PAM XII (2000)
Link to PDF file
Al-Masiḥ, Yassā ʿAbd, An unedited bohairic letter of Abgar (continued), BIFAO 54 (1954), p. 13-43 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Al-Masiḥ, Yassā ʿAbd, An unedited Bohairic letter of Abgar [1], BIFAO 45 (1945), p. 65-80 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Alan R. Schulman, Ceremonial Execution and Public Rewards: Some Historical Scenes on New Kingdom Private Stelae, Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany, 1988. - xxix, 223 pp., 35 figs., 6 pls. - pdf-file (8.0 MB) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Albersmeier, Sabine ; Minas-Nerpel, Martina (1998) Ein Weihrelief für die vergöttlichte Arsinoe II. In: Clarysse, Willy ; Schoors, Antoon ; Willems, Harco (Hrsgg.): Egyptian Religion. The Last Thousand Years. Part I. Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Jan Quaegebeur. Leuven 1998, pp. 3-29 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta; 84) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Albright, William Foxwell, "The town of Selle (Zaru) in the 'Amarnah Tablets", JEA10 (1924): 6-8 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Aldred, Cyril, "The Temple of Dendur", The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 36.1 (Summer 1978) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Alexandre Piankoff, Les Chapelles de Tout-Ankh-Amon, fasc. 1, Le Caire, 1952, 75 pp. – pdf file (17.0 MB) MIFAO 72.1 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Alexanian, Nicole. "Tomb and social status. The textual evidence", in The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology (Proceedings of the Conference held in Prague, May 31 - June 4, 2004. 1-8)
Link to PDF file
Ali, , A Lunette Stela of Pasenedjemibnash in Cairo Museum CG 22151, BIFAO 114 (2014), p. 1-18 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, , Ein iit-Darreichen im Tempel von Kom Ombo, BIFAO 113 (2013), p. 19-32 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, Aiman Ashmawy, An Unpublished Stele from Tell Basta, BIFAO 109 (2009), p. 17-22 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, M., M. Alenbaawy, and A. Moussa, "Characteristics of building materials exposed to geoenvironmental impacts in Makaad Radwan, Ottoman Cairo, Egypt", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1, issue 2 (2011): 41-51 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, M.F. and S. S. Darwish, S.S., "Comparative Analytical Study of the materials used in Wall Painting of Historical Palaces", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1, issue 1 (2011): 91-100 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, The Lost Temples of Esna, BIFAO 109 (2009), p. 1-8 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, N. and Sh. Abd El Aal, "An analytical study: identification and biodeterioration characteristics of ancient Egyptian wooden painted grain store, Egyptian museum, Cairo, Egypt – part - I", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1, issue 2 (2011): 53-59 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Ali, N., "Study of Deterioration and degradation of overlaid wooden doors in Ottoman caravansary in Bulaq, Cairo, Egypt", Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 1, issue 2 (2011): 33-40 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Allam, M. Mahdi, Joseph Lindon Smith. The Man and the Artist (Cairo: Société Orientale de Publicité Press, 1949)
Link to PDF file
Allam, Schafik, Engagements matériels en faveur d'Anoukis, déesse guérisseuse (ostracon hiératique Turin 57062, anciennement 5941), BIFAO 81 (1981), p. 197-204 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Allam, Schafik, La vie municipale à Deir el-Médineh : les supérieurs (houtjou/hentjou) du village., BIFAO 97 (1997), p. 1-17 Link to web page Link to PDF file
Allen, James P. et al, Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999) Link to web page Link to PDF file
Allen, James P., "Form, function, and meaning in the early Egyptian verb", Lingua Aegyptia 1 (1991): 1-32 Link to web page Link to PDF file

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