Monday, August 31, 2020

Fwd: September Events at ARCE

Upcoming Virtual Lectures

September 2020

You must register for each lecture you wish to attend

Public Access* 
Title: Karaites in Egypt: The Preservation of Jewish-Egyptian Heritage
Date and Time: September 13 at 2:30 PM ET/8:30 PM (Eastern European Time)
Jonathan R. Cohen, Ambassador of the United States of America to the Arab Republic of Egypt 
Magda Haroun, Head of the Egyptian-Jewish Community 
Prof. Yoram Meital, Professor of Middle East Studies, Ben-Gurion University 
Dr. Louise Bertini, Executive Director, American Research Center in Egypt 
Thanks to the US Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), in September 2019 ARCE was able to take on a new project on the Management and Conservation Plan for the Historic Jewish Cemetery of Basatin in Cairo. ARCE has been working closely with one of the Jewish community representatives, the Drop of Milk Foundation to successfully implement this project. 
*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

Member Only* 
Title: A Middle Kingdom funerary garden in Thebes
Date and Time: September 20 at 3:00PM ET/9:00 PM (Eastern European Time)
Speakers: José M. Galán 
A Spanish archaeological mission began working in Dra Abu el-Naga (West Bank, Luxor) in January 2002, in and around the early Eighteenth Dynasty tomb-chapels of Djehuty and Hery (TT 11 and TT 12).  A number of mud-brick chapels and funerary shafts dating to the Seventeenth Dynasty have been unearthed in this area, along with some Eleventh/early Twelfth Dynasty rock-cut tombs. A small square foot garden was discovered at the entrance to one of the large rock-cut tombs. The structure and its grid layout was made from sun-dried silt. The fertile dark soil that filled the squares still preserved the seeds that grew in them almost 4,000 years ago, in remarkably good condition.
*This online lecture is available exclusively to ARCE members.
Registration will close 48 hours in advance of the lecture time.



Public Access
Title: The Altered State of Religion: Sekhmet & Ritual Revelries in the Reign of Amenhotep III
Date and Time: September 30 at 1:00 PM ET/7:00 PM (Eastern European Time)

Speaker: Betsy Bryan

The lioness-headed goddess Sekhmet was one of a number of Egyptian goddesses who controlled the activities of the cosmos as agents of the sun god. This lecture will focus on the goddess Sekhmet and her ritual celebrations in the reign of Amenhotep III for whom many hundreds of seated and standing stone statues of that goddess were sculpted and placed in the king's funerary temple at Kom el Hettan and at the Mut Temple south of Karnak. How this king and his priests incorporated the Sekhmet cultic revelries in combination with the enormous production of statuary will be considered, along with the ultimate types of celebration and their performative impact.

*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 





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