Saturday, May 30, 2020

Register for ARCE's Virtual Chapter Lecture on June 6!

Please note the time change for next Saturday's lecture. It will be at 10 a.m. PDT instead of noon PDT.


Registration will close on June 4

Virtual Chapter Series 

An ARCE Member Exclusive


We are very pleased to bring you ARCE's latest virtual initiative, in partnership with our North American Chapters. Our new virtual Chapter lecture series is exclusively available to ARCE members and will run from May to June 2020, with online lectures taking place every Saturday.

The next lecture is co-sponsored by the New England Chapter and Vancouver Interest Group and will feature Inês Torres. For more information and to register, click here. This lecture will begin at 1:00pm EDT.

Registration closes at 3:00 pm EDT on Thursday, June 4, 2020*

*You must register separately for each lecture you wish you attend

About the Lecture: 

The Giza mastaba of Akhmeretnisut (G 2184), excavated in 1912 by the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition, has been occasionally mentioned in the scholarly literature due to its innovative iconographic program. This lecture will present the most recent research conducted on the mastaba of Akhmeretnisut and discuss the importance of this tomb for the understanding of private funerary monuments of the Old Kingdom. The decorative program of this mastaba is unparalleled in several ways: not only does it contain scenes unattested elsewhere, the spatial arrangement of the decoration is very unusual. Therefore, the mastaba of Akhmeretnisut is an excellent example of how the rules of decorum could be bent by the tomb owner to express creativity and display innovations in both iconography and architecture. 

About the Speaker: 

Inês Torres is a Ph.D. Candidate in Egyptology at Harvard University and a Research Associate at the American Research Center in Egypt for the academic year of 2019-2020. Inês' dissertation focuses on the tomb of Akhmeretnisut (G 2184) at Giza and explores the use and significance of that necropolis for the ancient Egyptian elite during the Late Old Kingdom, by revisiting the mastabas of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties (c. 2465-2150 B.C.E.). Her research aims to reassess the role Giza played as a non-royal burial site in the Late Old Kingdom and rethink current theories and assumptions related to the characteristics of the private funerary complexes built during that period. 


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