Saturday, May 16, 2020

Invitation to ARCE's Virtual Chapter Lecture on May 23

Virtual Chapter Series 
An ARCE Member Exclusive

We are very pleased to bring you ARCE's latest virtual initiative, in partnership with our North American Chapters. Our new virtual Chapter lecture series is exclusively available to ARCE members and will run from May to June 2020, with online lectures taking place every Saturday at 3:00 pm EST. 

Our third lecture is co-sponsored by the Tennessee Chapter and New Orleans Interest Group and will feature Melinda Nelson-Hurst from Tulane University. For more information and to register, click here.
*Registration closes at 3:00pm EST on Thursday, May 21, 2020 
About the lecture
During the 1840s and 1850s, George Gliddon traveled the United States, bringing with him a glimpse into the world of ancient Egypt. His collection of artifacts and mummies, which is now at Tulane University in New Orleans, has remained relatively unknown to the public and to scholars alike despite a sensational past. Utilizing historical and anthropological approaches, the Egyptian Collection at Tulane University research project aims to solve some of the many mysteries surrounding the collection, including questions of date and provenience and how the collection came to America and found a home in New Orleans. This talk will offer a look into the collection's colorful history, as well as discuss the project's latest research findings.
About the Speaker
Dr. Nelson-Hurst received her PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, with a specialization in Egyptology, from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are in the social history and archaeology of ancient Egypt, especially during the Middle Kingdom. Since starting a new research project on the Egyptian Collection at Tulane University, her interests have expanded into the areas of Theban burials of the Third Intermediate Period and the modern history of Anthropology, Egyptology, and Egyptian collections. She is currently researching the administrative and economic roles of women in elite households during the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt.

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