Thursday, May 28, 2020

AWOL: Open Access Journal: Prazské egyptologické studie / Prague Egyptological Studies PES
On 05/25/2020 02:38 PM, Chuck Jones wrote:
Open Access Journal: Prazské egyptologické studie / Prague Egyptological Studies PES [First posted in AWOL 29 June 2017, updates 25 May 2020]

Prazské egyptologické studie / Prague Egyptological Studies PES
ISSN: 1214-3189
ISSN: 1801-3899
Prague Egyptological Studies (PES) is a bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed English journal published by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in Prague. The journal was published regularly since 2002 in Czech and starting from 2015 also in English. Newly since 2021, one volume is annually dedicated to the Third Millennium BC in Egypt, while the second issue covers all of ancient Egyptian history, from the Predynastic Period to Late Antiquity.

The journal accepts archaeological reports as well as original studies on any aspect of ancient Egyptian material culture, religion, language and history. In addition, it welcomes primary studies focusing on the wider interdisciplinary scope of Egyptology, such as environmental archaeology, archaeozoology and archaeobotany, as well as new research in applied sciences. The journal also includes book reviews on recently published monographs in the above-mentioned fields.

The journal adheres to the Open Access Policy: all contributions appear concomitantly in print and are immediately freely available to readers under the CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

Full articles can be consulted and downloaded at the website of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in Prague and on the website of the journal. On the scientific platform, a profile of Prague Egyptological Studies was created to promote the journal in the scholarly community. Further non-commercial use and distribution in any medium of the articles is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.
One hundred years of teaching Egyptology in CzechLadislav Bareš, p. 5-11

Exploration of the pyramid complex of King Djedkare: season 2018Mohamed Megahed – Peter Jánosi – Hana Vymazalová, p. 12-36

The tomb of Khuwy at Djedkare's royal cemetery at South Saqqara. Preliminary report on the 2019 spring seasonMohamed Megahed – Hana Vymazalová, p. 37-48

A new tomb of transitional type from Abusir South: mastaba of Nyankhseshat (AS 104)Martin Odler – Marie Peterková Hlouchová – Petra Havelková – Zdeňka Sůvová – Katarína Arias Kytnarová – Lucie Jirásková – Vladimír Brůna, p. 49-82

A report on the excavation of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in the sacred animal necropolis at the Bubasteion in SaqqaraMostafa Waziri – Mohammad M. Youssef, p. 83-91

Women's work in the Early Dynastic PeriodSusan Kelly, p. 92-105

Mastaba S3038 at Saqqara: a new perspective on old dataMarinus Ormeling, p. 106-124

Some notes on the female ka-servant in the Old KingdomRaúl Sánchez Casado, p. 125-131

Functional copper objects and models in funerary context during the Early Dynastic PeriodBastien Ségalas, p. 132-151

Some remarks about the dating of 12 Old Kingdom tombs at GizaSimon Thuault, p. 152-169

Roeten, Leo: 2018 Loaves, Beds, Plants and Osiris. Considerations about the emergence of the Cult of Osiris, Oxford: ArchaeopressMarie Peterková Hlouchová – Jiří Janák – Veronika Dulíková, p. 170-172

Between Prague and Cairo. 100 years of Czech Egyptology

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