Monday, October 28, 2019

November 2019 Cartouche newsletter, ARCE-NC

Here is the November newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California chapter. I have also attached a copy in PDF format, for anyone who wants to print this newsletter. Note that not all mail servers accept PDF files, so you may not receive the PDF file, depending on where you get your email. Glenn

The Official Publication of the Northern California Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt

November 2019

The Northern California Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt and the Department of Near Eastern Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, U.C. Berkeley

Present the Lecture

Digging Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Mines

Dr. Kate Liszka

California State University, San Bernardino

Sunday, November 10, 2019, 3 PM

20 Barrows Hall

University of California, Berkeley

Just a reminder: No photographing or recording of lectures without the express permission of the speakers.

Parking is available in U.C. lots after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept either $5 bills or $1 bills. Parking is available in Parking Structure B on Bancroft between Hearst Gym and Kroeber Hall and just across the street from the University Art Museum. Parking is also available on the circle drive in front of the Valley Life Sciences Building, which can be entered from Oxford Street or behind Dwinelle Hall, which can also be entered from Oxford Street at the Track and Field Stadium. A map of the campus is online at

About Sunday's lecture:

In the Middle Kingdom (c. 2000-1700 BCE), amethyst was an object of elite culture with which the pharaoh rewarded courtiers. Its jewelry was worn by princesses and queens. Yet the pharaoh needed to mine amethyst in the Eastern Desert. He arranged for expeditions of Egyptian and Nubian workers or slaves to toil in the desert acquiring the precious raw material. They were overseen by administrators and supplied from the Nile Valley.  Dozens or hundreds of soldiers were part of these expeditions, too, in charge of protecting the supply of amethyst.  Next to each mine, these workers, administrators, soldiers, and slaves built settlements and carved over 250 inscriptions documenting their adventurers in the desert. Come learn about the recent archeological work at Wadi el-Hudi, giving a perspective of life in Ancient Egypt that is never see in the Nile Valley: life on harsh desert expedition.

About Dr. Kate Liszka:

Kate Liszka is the Benson and Pamela Harer Fellow in Egyptology and an Associate Professor of History at California State University, San Bernardino.  She received her PhD in Egyptology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012. From 2012 to 2015, she was a Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Society of Fellows at Princeton University. Her research for the last decade has focused on interactions between Nubians and Egyptians and on interactions between Nubians with the Egyptian government. Kate also directs an archaeological project in Egypt at Wadi el-Hudi. This is a series of sites in the Eastern Desert where the Egyptian government sent large expeditions to procure amethyst during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2000-1750 BCE) and the Roman Period (1st – 4th cent. CE). Her team is examining the organization of large-scale mining operations, as well as the role of individuals and the role of foreigners in those expeditions. 

From the President:

Thank you, longtime members Bob and Betty Bussey, for underwriting Dr. Galina Belova's NorCal leg of her ARCE speaking tour. It's the latest of many instances of support that the Busseys have given the chapter, and the board is very grateful. Bob and Betty also joined members Al and Barbara Berens in showing Dr. Belova and her husband, Edward, around Wine Country after her talk.

Thanks also to the many volunteers who helped make Jacqueline Thurston's Oct. 5 gallery talk at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology a success. Kim Sanders, Helen Pearlstein and UC Berkeley Egyptology students Matthew Whealton, Jessica Johnson, Marilyn Violas, Caroline Gruber and Jason Silvestri were among those helping. Thanks as well to PAHMA Director Ben Porter and to Professor Rita Lucarelli for making it all happen. If you liked the made-in-Berkeley vegan and gluten-free cookies, and I think you did because they disappeared rapidly, check out

Holiday doings in December

Our Dec. 8 meeting is when our chapter will disburse our second annual $1,500 Eugene Cruz-Uribe Memorial Student Grant. It's one of two that ARCE Northern California gives to deserving students each year to help them pursue study-related travel or research, to help mount an exhibition, or pursue other study-related work. The grant is open to undergrads or graduate students in or from Northern California whose degree studies incorporate Egyptian anthropology, archaeology, art, history, museum studies or language, or Coptic or Arabic studies in any period. Send applications to

Traditionally, we also have a holiday celebration at our December meeting. This year's event is still evolving, but it might very well include Egyptian-themed snacks, books for sale or silent auction, and crafts by our talented members for sale to benefit the chapter.

Life, health, strength,

Barbara Wilcox

President, ARCE Northern California

© 2019 The Board of Directors,

The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter. All rights reserved.

ARCE/NC Board of Directors

President: Barbara Wilcox

Vice President: Sara Everitt

Secretary: Helen Pearlstein

Treasurer: Doug Olsen

Programs: Nancy Corbin, Joan Knudsen

Membership: Gabrielle Essner

Publicity: Glenn Meyer

Director at Large: Kim Sanders

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Carol Redmount

CARTOUCHE is published monthly except for June and July. Material for submission should be sent no later than the 25th of the month preceding publication to Barbara Wilcox at

The Chapter's email address is


All lectures below are Sunday at 3 p.m. in Room 20 Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley.

November 10, 2019

Digging Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Mines

Dr. Kate Liszka, California State University, San Bernardino

December 8, 2019

A Tale of Two Crocodiles: Object Lessons from the Faiyum

Dr. Emily Cole, University of California, Berkeley

January 12, 2020

Man Vs. Wild? Rethinking the Interpretation of Human and Animal Representation in Ancient Egyptian Art

Dr. Jennifer Babcock, Pratt Institute

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