Friday, October 25, 2019

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Open Access Journal: The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter
On 10/14/2019 08:16 AM, Chuck Jones wrote:
Open Access Journal: The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter [First posted in AWOL 10 September 2015, updated 14 October 2019]

The British Museum Egypt and Sudan Newsletter
Egypt and Sudan newsletter 2
A yearly illustrated newsletter presenting the British Museum's work in, and on the subject of, Egypt and Sudan.
The newsletter includes updates on excavations, research projects, new exhibitions, galleries and training programmes.
The short articles are written by specialists from across the Departments of the British Museum, but also by external scholars who have collaborated with the Museum, or researched aspects of the collection.
Download Issue 1 (2014) (2.4MB) Download Issue 2 (2015) (2.5MB) 
Download Issue 3 (2016)(2.2MB) 
Download Issue 4 (2017)(3.64MB) 
Download Issue 5 (2018)(3.64MB) 

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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