Monday, October 7, 2019

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: EEF List of Digitized Egyptology Books
On 10/07/2019 12:00 PM, Chuck Jones wrote:
EEF List of Digitized Egyptology Books [First posted in AWOL 14 February 2011. Updated 7 September 2019]

Among the many useful digital resources organized by the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF) is a list of:

Egyptological Book Series Online
version 16-09-2019
Compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forumby Michael Tilgner, with major additions by Alain Dautant.
For additions and corrections, feel free to write to the editor.
The below list of links to digitised book series includes:
-- Memoirs of the Egypt Exploration Fund [MEEF]
-- Egypt Exploration Fund: Archaeological Survey of Egypt [EEF-ASE]
-- Mond Excavations at Thebes [MET]
-- Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ägyptens [UGAÄ]
-- Bibliothèque égyptologique [BE]
-- Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae, &c., in the British Museum [HTBM]
-- Les Temples immergés de la Nubie [TemplImm]
-- Theodore M. Davis' Excavations: Bibân el Molûk [-]
-- Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia [-]
-- Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire [MMAF]
-- Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [MIFAO]
-- Bibliothèque d'étude (IFAO) [BiEtud]
-- Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [FIFAO]
-- Documents de Fouilles de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [DFIFAO]
-- Analecta Aegyptiaca [AnAe]
-- Publications of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt and the Egyptian Research Account [BSAE/ERA]
-- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim [-]
-- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien [-]
-- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics [ERE]
-- Publications de la Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg [-]
-- The Abusir Series of the Czech Institute of Egyptology [-]
-- Ägyptologische Forschungen [ÄF, ÄgFo]
-- Robb de Peyster Tytus Memorial Series [RPTMS]
-- Analecta Orientalia [AnOr]
-- Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca [BAe, BiAe]
-- Études égyptologiques [ÉÉ]
-- Dictionnaire des Noms Géographiques Contenus dans les Textes Hiéroglyphiques [DNGCTH]

Some of our other (themed) collections:
-- Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums -> [Urk]
-- Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire -> [CG]

Some external sources for digitised series:
-- Publications of the Oriental Institute Chicago:
Oriental Institute Publications -> [OIP] (OI Chicago)
Oriental Institute Communications -> [OIC] (OI Chicago)
Oriental Institute Museum Publications -> [OIMP] (OI Chicago)
Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition -> [OINE] (OI Chicago)
Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization -> [SAOC] (OI Chicago)
-- Publications of the Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO):
Egyptologische Uitgaven -> [EgUit]
Publications de l'Institut Historique et Archéologique Néerlandais de Stamboul -> [PIHANS]
-- Publications of the Czech Institute of Egyptology:
The Abusir Series (and others) -> URL
-- Publications of The Section Française de la direction des antiquités du Soudan [SFDAS] -> URL
Archaeological Survey of Nubia -> [ASN]
Royal Cemeteries of Kush -> [RCK]
-- Acta Archaeologica Pultuskiensia -> URL
-- Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis -> [OBO]
-- Publications of the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition (UAEE):
Wilkinson Egyptology Series (and others) -> URL
-- Internet-Beitraege zur Aegyptologie und Sudanarchaeologie -> [IBAES]
-- Ancient Near East Monographs/Monografías sobre el Antiguo Cercano Oriente -> [ANEM/MACO]
-- Carl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien -> [LD] (Lepsius-Projekt)
-- Les Cahiers Égypte Nilotique et Méditérranéenne -> [CENiM]
-- Trismegistos Online Publications -> [TOP]
-- American Studies in Papyrology -> [ASP]
-- Münchener Beiträge zur Papyrusforschung und antiken Rechtsgeschichte -> [MBPF]
-- Publications of the Institute of Egyptology of Waseda University, Tokyo -> URL
-- Publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition -> [PMMAE]
-- British Museum Research Publications -> [BMRP]
-- Kelsey Museum Publications Series - URL
-- Probleme der Ägyptologie -> [PÄ]
-- Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. Supplements -> [BASP Supp.]
-- Papyrologica Bruxellensia -> [PapBrux]
-- Middle Kingdom Studies (published by Golden House Publications) -> [MKS]
-- For any publication (book or article) relating to the Giza Plateau, try the Giza Digital Library.
-- Many seperate publications (books and articles) may be found at the Propylaeum-DOK repository.
NB: URLs marked with [PDF] link directly to a pdf-file, so better use your "Save as..." button on those to prevent that your browser will "freeze". 
NB: When doing any scientific work, be on the alert for the fact that freely available digitised volumes on the Internet (vs. commercial products) may contain errors, notably when it concerns the plates or appendices. Plates are clearly the weak side of Internet digitalisation: often their resolution is too low, they are scanned only partially, or they are left out altogether. As an example: in the below mentioned scans of MEEF 5 (Edouard Naville, The Shrine of Saft el Henneh and the Land of Goshen (1885), London, 1887), plates 2, 3, 5, and 6 have only been scanned on the show side of each folded page, and plates 1 and 4 are missing altogether.

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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