Friday, September 13, 2019

South Asasif Necropolis: Journey Through Time | South Asasif Conservation Project Blog

South Asasif Necropolis: Journey Through Time

The exhibition "South Asasif Necropolis: Journey Through Time" opened at the Luxor Museum on the 8th of September.

Figure 1

Thank you to the Ministry of Antiquities, H.E. Minister Khaled El-Enany, Dr. Moustafa Wasiry, Qurna Inspectorate, especially Fathy Yassin, Ramadan Ahmed Ali and Ezz El Noby, Dr. Sanna Ahmed Ali and the curators of the Luxor Museum.

Congratulations to our team members and sponsors on this great achievement. Labels were written by Elena Pischikova, John Billman, Kenneth Griffin, Meg Gundlach, Erhart Graefe and Julia Budka. Special thank you to Marion Brew (lead archaeologist of the Project), Mariam Ayad, John Taylor and Fathy Yassin for consultations and attributions. Conservation and installation of the objects was executed by Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali, Ali Hassan Ibrahim, Mohamed Bedawy, Mohamed Abdu Hakim and Taib Said. The exhibition was designed by Katherine Blakeney and curated by Elena Pischikova. The exhibition was sponsored by the ASA Restoration Project (General Director Anthony Browder and Chief Financial Officer Darren McKnight) and the South Asasif Conservation Trust (Dir. John Billman)

The exhibition commemorates the long journey of the South Asasif necropolis through the millennia as uncovered by the South Asasif Conservation Project. The large temple-tombs of the necropolis manifest the revival of monumental decorated tombs in the 25th Dynasty.  They were still active as temples through the Ptolemaic period and became a burial ground for officials and their families from the Twenty-sixth Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period. A monastery scriptorium in the Coptic period and home to modern families, the South Asasif necropolis continues its immortal life to the present day.

The creation of the exhibition was a long and challenging process.


Behind the Scenes Tour

Katherine Blakeney hand painted the installation piece in our back yard.

Figure 2

The installation piece is assembled, painted, and positioned in the showcase. Now what?

Figure 3

Any set must be properly lit before it can come to life. Katherine Blakeney and Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali pursue illumination.

Figure 4

The faience army prepares for battle with the help of Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali and Ali Hassan.

Figure 5

Katherine Blakeney, Ali Hassan and Taib Said celebrate the birth of the second ramp.

Figure 6

Abdelrazk Mohamed Ali in deep conversation with Ptah-Sokar-Osiris

Figure 7

Attaching numbers to the ramp turned out to be a feat worthy of a contortionist. It's a good thing Katherine Blakeney spends so much time at the gym.

Figure 8

Almost there….

Figure 9

Anthony Browder and Darren McKnight arrive with digital frames for our slideshow and labels.

Figure 10

The team assembles, eager to share the contents of our mystery case with the world.

Figure 11

The big reveal, in the presence of H.E. Minister Khaled El-Enany.

Figure 12

Our exhibition has been unleashed upon the world to begin a life of its own.

Figure 13

Another hidden face waits to be discovered around every corner.Figure 14Figure 15Figure 16

Keep following our blog for an in-depth look at the highlights of the exhibition and more behind-the-scenes secrets!

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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