Sunday, September 15, 2019

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Open Access Journal: Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
On 09/12/2019 01:57 PM, Chuck Jones wrote:
Open Access Journal: Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin [First posted in AWOL 9 November 2012, updated 12 September 2019 (new URL)]

Sudan & Nubia: The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin
ISSN: 1369-5770
Sudan \& Nubia No.17
Sudan & Nubia is published each autumn. It contains much of interest on recent archaeological fieldwork in Sudan, including many articles on surveys and excavations only undertaken during the previous winter.

The bulletin is an ideal way to keep abreast of current British activities in Sudan, and also contains contributions by eminent foreign scholars. It is profusely illustrated with line drawings and monochrome and colour photographs.

Sudan & Nubia is free of charge to Society members, who receive it a year in advance of online release … JOIN THE SOCIETY >

Individual articles can be read (free) through the online reading service ISSUU by following the links below. If a download is preferred, sign up to ISSUU, which will then provide download links (free).
Most recent available issue online:
S&N 20… Sudan & Nubia : No. 20
Sudan \& Nubia                      No.20Sudan & Nubia : No. 20
Bulletin of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society, London, 2016
180 pages
 Ahmed Hamid Nassr. Sennar Capital of Islamic Culture 2017 Project. Preliminary results of archaeological surveys in Sennar East and Sabaloka East (Archaeology Department of Al-Neelain University concessions)  download [ 658k ]
 Anderson, J., Abdelrahman Ali Mohamed, Amani Nureldaim Mohamed and Elghazafi Yousif Eshag. Royal Regalia: a sword of the last Sultan of Darfur, Ali Dinar  download [ 441k ]
 Cressent, M., and Raimon, A. Inscriptions in the name of governor Neby revealed by the restoration of miniature metal vases
 download [ 563k ]
 Dann, R.J., and Emberling, G. El-Kurru 2015-16: Preliminary Report  download [ 855k ]
 Davies, W.V. Recording Jebel Dosha: the chapel of Thutmose III  download [ 752k ]
 Davies, W.V. The Inscriptions of Senwosret III at the Dal Cataract download [ 421k ]
 Davies, W.V. SARS, from inception to the present day: a summary download [ 127k ]
 Fawzi Hassan Bakhiet and Abdelhai Abdelsawi. Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey of Sennar State and the Southern Gezira State Project, (Western bank of the Blue Nile)  download [ 629k ]
 Ginns, A. The 2016 Season of Excavations at Kurgus
 download [ 420k ]
 Grzymski, K. Kirwan Memorial Lecture: Gebel Adda Excavations: The Unfinished Story  download [ 225k ]
 Huber, R., and Edwards, D.N. Gebel Adda and its environs: 50 years on  download [ 2.3Mb ]
 Mahmoud el-Tayeb, Skowronska, E., and Czyzewska, E. Early Makuria Research Project. The Results of Three Seasons of Excavation at El-Zuma Cemetery, 2013, 2014 and 2015
 download [ 2.2Mb ]
 Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. Excavations in the Meroitic Cemetery at Berber, Seasons 2015 and 2016  download [ 299k ]
 Reidel, A., Mahmoud Suliman Bashir, Wolf, P., Murtada Bushara Mohamed, and Kleinitz, C. The Qatari Mission for the Pyramids of Sudan – Archaeological Investigation, Conservation and Site Management at Meroe 2015/2016  download [ 818k ]
 Sakamoto, T. The Meroitic Cemetery of Gereif East. A glance into the regional characteristics of Khartoum province
 download [ 4Mb ]
 Tucker, G., and Emberling, G. Settlement in the Heartland of Napatan Kush: Preliminary Results of Magnetic Gradiometry at El-Kurru, Jebel Barkal and Sanam  download [ 540k ]
 Ward, C. Durham University's Sudan Archive – An overlooked resource in current archaeological research?  download [ 980k ]
 Welsby, D.A. The Sudan Archaeological Research Society; the first 25 years  download [ 406k ]
 Yvanez, E. Textiles and Funerary Rituals. The Wrapping of Offerings at Meroe and el-Hobagi  download [ 636k ]
 Zurawski, B. Filling in the gaps. Excavations on the site of Selib (1st to 13th century)  download [ 1.4Mb ]
will then provide download links (free).
Sudan & Nubia : No. 1
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.1

Sudan & Nubia : No. 2
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.2

Sudan & Nubia : No. 3
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.3

Sudan & Nubia : No. 4
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.4

Sudan & Nubia : No. 5
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.5

Sudan & Nubia : No. 6
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.6

Sudan & Nubia : No. 7
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.7

Sudan & Nubia : No. 8
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.8

Sudan & Nubia : No. 9
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.9

Sudan & Nubia : No. 10
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.10

Sudan & Nubia : No. 11
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.11

Sudan & Nubia : No. 12
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.12

Sudan & Nubia : No. 13
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.13

Sudan & Nubia : No. 14
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.14

Sudan & Nubia : No. 15
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.15

Sudan & Nubia : No. 16
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.16

Sudan & Nubia : No. 17
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.17

Sudan & Nubia : No. 18
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.18

Sudan & Nubia : No. 19
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.19

Sudan & Nubia : No. 20
Sudan                                \& Nubia No.20

Sudan & Nubia : Nos. 1-18 : table of contents

Sudan & Nubia : Nos. 19-20 : tables of contents

Sudan & Nubia : Nos. 21-22 : tables of contents

And see also:

Newsletters 1991-1996

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