Thursday, August 1, 2019

Egypt Cancel Fees for Taking Pictures of Landmarks - - Sofia News Agency

Egypt Cancel Fees for Taking Pictures of Landmarks

Business » TOURISM | August 1, 2019, Thursday // 08:28| Views: | Comments: 0

Bulgaria: Egypt Cancel Fees for Taking Pictures of            Landmarks

From August 1, visitors to museums and archaeological sites in Egypt will get the opportunity to take free photos and videos via mobile phones. The decision was taken by the country's Antiquities Ministry in early July and is expected to help attract more tourists to Egypt.

Until recently, there was a fee for sightseeing visitors in Egypt for the use of any camera, which depended on the importance of the museum or monument. Some particularly valuable exhibits were banned from filming, notes RIA Novosti.

According to Prof. Abdel Rahim Rihan, Director General of the South Sinai Archaeological Monuments Research Unit, the abolition of fees for amateur photographs is a very good solution, can help promote Egypt, its history of ancient civilization and culture on social networks, especially among young people.

"The decision of the Ministry of Antiquities for free photography by mobile phones is very timely and will benefit museums and archaeological sites ... Visitors will have original photographs of the exhibits, will distribute them on social networks, which will be indirect advertising of cultural and educational tourism in Egypt, "said Rihan.

The expert is convinced that the stories of visiting unique Egyptian monuments, backed by colorful amateur photos, will attract new tourists to the country of the pyramids.

"Previously, museum photos were charged to foreign tourists of around 100 Egyptian pounds (about six dollars), now this fee will be canceled. This, of course, is good and makes visiting many museums easier, and apart from it saves tourists money, "added Rihan.

--   Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 running Ubuntu Linux. 

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