Sunday, August 11, 2019

4 Nile Valley Exhibits in North America this Fall - Nile Scribes

4 Nile Valley Exhibits in North America this Fall

This month many of us are preparing for another academic semester, as teachers or as students. This fall promises to be an exciting season as several compelling exhibitions will be on display in North American museums in Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, and Quebec. The Nile Scribes are excited about these four upcoming exhibitions about the Nile Valley cultures in Egypt and Sudan. Why not plan a weekend to visit one of these exhibitions for your next Egyptological getaway?

Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile

Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 23, 2019 – March 29, 2020
Tickets: Free Entry

Kelsey Museum Curators Geoff Emberling and Suzanne Davis have been working at El-Kurru in northern Sudan since 2013, excavating and conserving the monuments of the royal cemetery. Among the royal monuments at El-Kurru is a mortuary temple only partially excavated by George Reisner that has revealed a wide array of ancient and medieval graffiti inscribed on its walls and columns. Graffiti as Devotion along the Nile presents photographs of the religious icons from the temple and nearby pyramid to explore how visitors participated in the use of these sacred spaces over thousands of years. Also check out the book accompanying the exhibition here.

Egyptian Mummies. Exploring Ancient Lives

Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montréal, Quebec
September 14, 2019 – February 14, 2020
Tickets: CA$ 24

Montréal last hosted a sizable Egypt-themed exhibition in early 2018 on Queens in Ancient Egypt, which the Nile Scribes visited last year. Egyptian Mummies, a well-travelled exhibition produced by the British Museum, will focus on six individuals from Egypt's later periods and elucidate their lives. On the one hand, latest 3D renderings and other interactive installations will bring these individuals to life, but a focus of the exhibition revolves around showcasing the time and place in which these individuals lived. Mummies, after all, make-up one of Egypt's most popular icons, yet only recently have museums begun to engage with them in a respectful manner. We previously chatted with mummy expert, Dr. Angela Stienne, on the display of mummies in museums and hope that this exhibition will be one step in the right direction.

Ancient Nubia Now

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
October 13, 2019 – January 20, 2020
Tickets: US$ 25

George Reisner's numerous excavations in northern Sudan between 1910 and 1930 were financed by the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston – as a result, the MFA's collection of Nubian artefacts is the largest in the world, outside of Sudan. Most of this extraordinary collection is not on permanent display. This means that exhibitions like Ancient Nubia Now present a rare opportunity for visitors in North America to see the stunning objects from the Kushite and Meroitic kingdoms that ruled over enormous parts of northeast Africa during the ancient world. This exhibition will display over 400 Nubian objects from the museum's collection, including objects that have never been on display before. This is one exhibition not to be missed!

Queen Nefertari: Eternal Egypt

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri
November 15, 2019 – March 29, 2020
Tickets: US$ 18

The lavishly decorated tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV 66) counts as a must-visit for any tourist visiting the Theban West Bank, especially since it was reopened to the general public only a couple of years ago. Nefertari plays a major role in Queen Nefertari: Eternal Egypton display at the Nelson-Atkins beginning this November, but the exhibition also features many other well-known royal women from ancient Egypt. Drawing from the excellent Egyptian collection of Turin's Museo Egizio, the exhibition uses objects to illustrate the important roles women played in Egyptian society. Reconstructions of several wall scenes from Nefertari's tomb and the pink granite lid of her sarcophagus will allow the visitor to experience the marvels of her tomb up close, even thousands of miles from Thebes. See a preview of this exhibition in an earlier blog here.

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