Tuesday, June 11, 2019

PhD candidate position in Egyptology, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium | scholarshipdb.net


PhD candidate position in Egyptology

Updated: about 5 hours ago
Deadline: 15 Jul 2019

The Université Catholique de Louvainis offering a full-time PhD position in Egyptology to a highly motivated PhD-student, starting on October 1st, 2019, although a later start is possible depending on the curriculum of the candidate. This position will be fully funded by a UCLouvain tax-free Seefund FSR scholarship, which includes health care. It will be first awarded for a period of two years, with the possibility of an extension for two additional years if the evaluation of the mid-term report is positive. The PhD candidate will be housed in the Faculté de Philosophie, arts et lettres (FIAL) of the UCLouvain, and become a member of the Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres(INCAL). The dissertation will be written under the supervision of Prof. Benoît Lurson.


The PhD candidate will work on the correlation between the consanguineous matrimonial practices of the ancient Egyptian royal family and the endogamous matrimonial practices of the elites. Depending on the available documentation, the applicant will opt for the period of Egyptian history to be best considered, although this dissertation must concern the Pharaonic Period, the Graeco-Roman Period being excluded. Two axes of research are anticipated: (1) a sociological study of the potential role of such matrimonial practices for instating and reinforcing a closed class system; (2) a socio-political study of such matrimonial practices as constitutive of a governance system. The candidate will also be expected to propose and explore other axes of research.

In addition, the candidate will be encouraged to take part in international conferences, to give public lectures and offered the possibility to teach classes.

Expected profile of the applicants

Applicants must hold a master's degree in Egyptology before starting the PhD, but not necessarily before the deadline for applying (see below). They must demonstrate appropriate skills in Middle Egyptian and Late Egyptian, a sound expertise in theories and practices of Sociology and/or Anthropology, and a good knowledge of the ancient Egyptian state institutions.

Application and contact

To apply, applicants should submit in a single pdf file a motivation letter; a detailed curriculum vitae (including a list of publications, lectures, etc., if relevant); a sample of their academic work; a 750-word long text in which they will present personal preliminary thoughts on the topic; a copy of their academic degrees. Applications can be submitted in French, English or German. Questions and applications should be sent to Prof. Benoît Lurson (benoit.lurson@uclouvain.be ). The deadline for applying is July 15th, 2019. Short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews to be held in August via Skype.

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1 comment:

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