Monday, June 24, 2019

Macclesfield Egyptian Collection | Egypt Exploration Society

Macclesfield Egyptian Collection

Rediscover our unique Marianne Brocklehurst Egyptian collection in our new exhibition. With more objects on display than ever before – including Tutankhamun's ring, our well preserved Shebmut Mummy case, a collection of over forty Shabti and other fascinating artifacts.

Our museum tells the unique story of Marianne Brocklehurst, the daughter of a wealthy silk merchant. She was an intrepid Victorian female explorer from Macclesfield, who along with Mary Booth travelled and collected artifacts of predominantly female Pharoahs and Gods. She gifted her finds along with West Park Museum to Macclesfield.

The exhibition is a must for visitors both young and old – exploring the everyday life, customs and beliefs of an ancient Egyptian civilisation. 

The exhibition will be housed at the silk museum for the next few years, whilst work on West Park Museum is completed. It will then be redisplayed there.

Find out more


Location: The Silk Museum, Park Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 6TJ

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