Saturday, June 22, 2019

Interactions between Priests and Religious Landscapes in the First Millennium BC Egyptian Delta | Egypt Exploration Society

Interactions between Priests and Religious Landscapes in the First Millennium BC Egyptian Delta

The first millennium BCE in Egypt was a period of social and religious change brought about through the transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean as a whole and contacts  with new cultures from the Levant and Aegean. The workshop aims to investigate the complex settings around the religious personnel who operated in the cities of the Western Delta in particular and understand their relationship with Memphis and other centres in Upper and Lower Egypt.

The workshop gathers a group of experts on the first millennium BCE in order to explore the relationship between the Egyptian priests and the geographical territory, religious geography and politics of the time.


10:00-10:30 Registration

10:30-10:45 Welcome and Introduction

10:45-11:30 Dr Hussein Bassir (Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Antiquities Museum)
Buto in the First Millennium BC

11:30: 12:00 Coffee break

12:00-12:45 Dr Sylvain Dhennin (Laboratoire HiSoMA, Lyon) Religious organisation in the Western Delta: Interconnection between
Ritual Text and Geography in the "Ashmun block"

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-14:45 Dr Campbell Price (Manchester Museum) Saite priests at Giza and in the Delta

14:45-15:30 Dr Elena Tiribilli (Durham University)
Interactions between people and territory: the specific sacerdotal titles of the Western Delta during the Late Period (MAP project)

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:45 Dr Penelope Wilson (Durham University)
'Giving the House to its Lord': Perspectives on Shrine-carriers

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Attendance is free. Registration is requested, please send an email to:  

Organising Committee

Elena Tiribilli and Penelope Wilson

The event has been organized within the frame of the IF-Marie Curie project MAP "Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC)" of Dr Elena Tiribilli, funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and with the support of Durham University.

Read more about MAP


Location: Department of Geography, room W007, Lower Mountjoy, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE

Event details


Department of Geography, room W007, Lower Mountjoy, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE

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