Wednesday, May 29, 2019

For the rams .. Clashes between the Egyptian police and the people of a village in Luxor during their evacuation - International News

A bit hard to read, but disturbing nevertheless.

For the rams .. Clashes between the Egyptian police and the people of a village in Luxor during their evacuation

Abdul Karim Salim - Cairo

A large number of Egyptian police stormed the Naga Abu Asaba area in the southern province of Luxor early on Tuesday to evacuate their homes in response to a presidential decision to expropriate properties in the area.

Police used tear gas to evacuate the area. The area was seen as a gap between citizens and police, eyewitnesses and videotaped media outlets reported. Police also arrested scores of residents of the area who refused to leave their homes.

Residents from the city of Luxor, the world's richest in ancient Egyptian antiquities, told Al-Jazeera Net that the residents had asked for an ultimatum to evacuate their homes for Eid al-Fitr after days.

A few days ago, the deputies of the Luxor parliament held the demands of the people to the officials, led by the governor of Luxor, who showed understanding of the demands of the population before the police surprised them by the attack.

The Directorate of Survey in Luxor started earlier this month procedures for the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 201 of 2018 on the project of the expropriation of overlapping properties that impede the completion of the discovery of the road Alkabash archaeological Karnak historical area, which belongs to nearly 130 houses in Naja Abu Asaba.

The presidential decree stipulated that the project of expropriation of overlapping properties that impede the completion of the detection of the route of the rams road and its prohibition in the city of Luxor with an area of ​​(1941.89 meters) should be considered a public benefit.

The local surveying authority has been given until the end of this month to challenge their expropriation, after the Directorate announced a list of the real estate owners for whom the decision was made since 15 April.

The announcement period ends mid-June, beginning with the appeals phase of ownership from 15 to 29 of the same month, and is supposed to begin after the phase of payment of compensation and termination of expropriation procedures, in preparation for the implementation of the decisions of removal.

Attempts failed
MP Luxor said that he met with the governor of Luxor, and conveyed to him the demands of the people to postpone the process of evacuation and increase the compensation provided to them.

He stressed in press statements that his meetings with officials reached a study of the demands of the people by the concerned authorities, pointing out that the solutions expected will be satisfactory to all parties in such a way that ensures the continuation of the project of detecting the path of the rams without harm to the citizens.

Pharaonic magic
For its part, the Ministry of Antiquities raced for the completion of the project of "Pharaonic Magic Historical" in Luxor province to revive the path of the Pharaonic Kebab, the link between the temples of Luxor and Karnak length of 2700 meters, and on both sides statues of Pharaonic rams,

The Ministry of Antiquities began the steps of the project with the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, and the ministry set the date of opening the road Kabbash by the end of this year, after providing the road cameras surveillance and a complete system to secure the tourist delegations.

The government is counting on this route to change the shape of the tourist map in Luxor.

The head of the city of Luxor, Ayman al-Sharif, said that the opening of the road of al-Qarab al-Pharaonic was a major event, and it worked after a break several years ago, and is considered a major breakthrough in the archaeological sector in Egypt.

He said in a press statement that it is considered the largest and largest walk of history dating back to the Pharaonic times in the world, and helps attract the attention of the entire world to Egypt and the province of Luxor, adding that the project will transform the city of Luxor to the largest open world museum.

Karnak Temple, one of the most important Egyptian and international monuments (the island)

It was an ancient Egyptian celebration that was held annually in the capital of ancient Egypt in Taiba (Luxor) during the reign of the modern Pharaonic state and the other three thousand years ago.

In the ceremony, the statues of the goddesses represented in the Holy Trinity by the ancient Egyptians, "Amun, Mut and their son Khonsu", are hidden from their sight in their holy boats in a large ceremonial procession, from the temple of Amun in Karnak to the Temple of Luxor, on a journey of more than two kilometers .

What is highlighted in this weather is the meeting of Amun Ra of Karnak with Amoun of Luxor. The so-called "renewal of birth" is the main theme of the Opat ceremony, and usually includes a celebration of the re-coronation of the king.

The celebrations include singing and taking statues of goddesses through the rams' road linking the two temples, and the statues stop in the small temples that were built specially on their way.

These temples were filled during the celebration of the offerings of the people to the worshipers, and to the priests present for the rituals. At the end of the celebrations, the sacred boats were returning to Karnak.

In the late celebrations of ancient Egypt, statues between Karnak and Luxor were transported by boat in the river and not through the rams.

The Al-Kabbash road is 2,700 meters long and features 1058 statues on both sides of Amun Ra and the Sphinx being restored.

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