Tuesday, April 9, 2019

IAE - International Association of Egyptologists | The Online Egyptological Bibliography


Online Egyptological Bibliography

On 1 January 2009 the Annual Egyptological Bibliography (AEB), which had been based in Leiden since its founding in 1947 under the auspices of the IAE, moved to the Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, supported by Oxford University's John Fell Fund. The project, which continues its association with the IAE, is now the Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB).

Soon after its inception the OEB incorporated the Bibliographie Altägypten of Christine Beinlich-Seeber, providing seamless information about publications in Egyptology from 1822 to the present, and adding more than 20,000 titles to those deriving from the AEB. A three-year grant of USD 609,000 from the Mellon Foundation, awarded in March 2011, made it possible to integrate the Aigyptos database with the OEB in order to produce a more comprehensive service, particularly for more recent publications. The separate Aigyptos website was withdrawn in April 2014, but its facilities, such as structured searches and keywords, are retained in the OEB.

A new version of the website with enhanced functionality went online at the beginning of 2013 and is being enhanced progressively. Extended features include the possibility to see the most recent acquisitions, structured searching, browsing by author, periodical, collected volume, or exhibition catalogue, and a more fully developed text search facility. The database is updated almost every day, and OEB is kept as up-to-date as possible.

Like the AEB, the OEB is a subscription-based service. There are several categories of annual subscription. IAE members may take out a joint subscription to include the OEB, with different rates for student and full members. Individuals may subscribe directly by credit/debit card, paid online through the University of Oxford website. Multi-terminal and site license subscriptions are available for institutions. All institutions that offer instruction in, or are dedicated to the study of, Egyptology are strongly encouraged to take out the latter type of subscription, which is handled through invoicing. To investigate these possibilities, click on the logo at the right, follow the links at http://oeb.griffith.ox.ac.uk, or contact oebsubscriptions@orinst.ox.ac.uk.

The editor of the OEB is R. Gareth Roberts (gareth.roberts@orinst.ox.ac.uk or oebeditor@orinst.ox.ac.uk). Queries and information about items for inclusion can be sent to these email addresses or submitted through "Submit material" page of the website.

John Baines, Griffith Institute, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
James P. Allen, President, International Association of Egyptologists
--   Sent from my Linux system.

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