Friday, April 26, 2019

Egyptian Archaeology Skills School | Egypt Exploration Society
  • Dr Anna Stevens teaches students during the 2016 Egyptian            Archaeology Skills School

Egyptian Archaeology Skills School

Due to the success and popularity of the Egyptian Archaeology Skills School in the previous two years, the EES is delighted to run the School again from 8th–12th July 2019 at its London office. Each day will have a 3-hour morning and a 3-hour afternoon session which focuses on a different skill set used in excavation and taught by experts in their respective fields.

For many students, experience at excavations in the UK and Europe are not adequate preparation for work in Egypt, as the organisation of an excavation – including the duties of the team members and current political situations – differs greatly. However, procuring a placement, time, and funds to participate on an excavation in Egypt is sometimes very difficult for students who are engrossed in their postgraduate studies. While the Skills School cannot replace the experience of on-site training, it is a great opportunity to introduce students to the various types of skills that are required on an excavation in Egypt and to give them the chance to discover whether they have an aptitude for particular parts of the work. Moreover, the School offers the possibility to meet students from other universities and exchange ideas as well as experiences.

Spaces are strictly limited to ten places to allow for maximum engagement with the lecturers and the provision of practical activities throughout the week. This course is for anyone currently undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in Egyptology, or related discipline, or within five years of having been awarded their degree. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and proof of institutional affiliation will be required.


Student members £180

Student non-members £200

Join the Egypt Exploration Society here

Event tickets are only refundable if a replacement is found and notice is provided at least one month prior to the event start date.


Download the preliminary schedule here

Note that it is subject to change

Registration will open on Wednesday 1st May, 09:00.



Location: The Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London, WC1N 2PG

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