Friday, March 15, 2019

The Egyptian Museum Development Continues - Luxor Times

The Egyptian Museum Development Continues

Minister of Antiquities Dr Khaled el Anani visited the Egyptian Museum in downtown Cairo Wednesday to get firsthand information about efforts to upgrade the place.

Sabah Abdel Razeq, director general of the Egyptian Museum, said work is underway to paint and restore walls of the museum and to replace glass cases along all corridors and in the halls.

A museum pond will also be renovated and a new lighting system will operate inside the building, Abdel Razeq added.

Renewing paintings on the first floor has already been completed, while maintaining the original colors that had been there since the inauguration of the museum in 1902, she said.

Wall renovation is carried out in cooperation with the Environmental Quality International (EQI) and the support of the EU, Abdel Razeq made it clear.

All vitrines along the eastern and western corridors, as well as side halls, have been replaced, she noted.

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