Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Government denies smuggling 32% of Egyptian monuments abroad - Egypt Today

Ministers partake in a Cabinet meeting - Press Photo Ministers partake in a Cabinet meeting - Press Photo

Government denies smuggling 32% of Egyptian monuments abroad

Tue, Mar. 12, 2019

CAIRO – 11 March 2019: The Cabinet's media Center denied Monday that 32 percent of Egyptian monuments have been smuggled abroad since 2011.

According to the Cabinet's statement, the Ministry of Antiquities confirmed that it has taken all necessary measures to protect Egyptian monuments from being damaged, stolen or lost.

In January 2018, Parliament's Media, Culture and Antiquities Committee prepared a report on an amendment proposed by the government to the antiquities protection law.

The amendment is to toughen punishment for smuggling antiquities up to a life sentence and a fine of LE10 million (about $0.56 million).
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