Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Turin Egyptian Museum taken as model for Cairo - Lifestyle - ANSA.it


Turin Egyptian Museum taken as model for Cairo

Institution leading 3-yr EU project with Louvre, British Museum

(ANSA) - Turin, January 29 - Turin's Egyptian museum has been taken as the 'model' for an EU project to revamp the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Alongside other prestigious European museums such as the Louvre and the British Museum, it will help to breathe new life into a site which with its 136,000 objects on display hosts the most complete collection in the world of archaeological finds of Ancient Egypt. The project is of "high scientific and cultural value", the director of Turin's Egyptian Museum, Christian Greco, said, which "for the first time is bringing together the 'know-how' of the various collections". Just off a recent revamp itself, inaugurated in 2015 after five years of work and 50 million euros in investment, the Turin museum will be the reference point. With 3.1 million euros in EU funds, the project is expected to last 3 years. "We will develop a master plan," Greco said, "aiming for a rethink of the site in its entirely. This is the big challenge before us." The first phase of the project will focus on a revamp of the entrance galleries and the halls for the Royal Tombs of Tanis, but the aim, Greco said, is to "reinterpret the role of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo itself, first and foremost inside of society and its educational role for young Egyptians, as well as in order to reconnect the magnificent monuments hosted inside of it with the rest of the country". Turin's Egyptian Museum was in 2017 the most popular museum in Italy, according to TripAdvisor, with financial gain for the country equaling some 187 million euros per year. This project, museum director Evelina Christillin said, will take the museum back into the heart of Egypt "to collaborate at the scientific and professional level with the country that enabled us to be what we are and to which we owe everything".
    "In the sixteenth century," she continued, "the court historian attributed Egyptian descent to the Savoys to enhance their reputation in the eyes of all of Europe. We are proud to return, with Turin and our museum, into the heart of Egypt." Also taking part will be the Louvre, the British Museum Berlin's Agyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung.

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