Friday, January 18, 2019

Byzantine Gold Coins Found In Dakhla Oasis - Luxor Times

Byzantine Gold Coins Found In Dakhla Oasis

An Egyptian archaeological team working at Ain el Sabil area in Dakhla district of the New Valley has discovered a hidden pot that contains some gold coins that date back to the Byzantine era.

Dr Gamal Moustafa, chairman of the Islamic and Coptic Antiquities Sector at the Ministry of Antiquities, said the coins date back to the era of Byzantine Emperor Constantius II (7 August 317 – 3 November 361). Constantius II ruled the empire from 337 to 361 in the time of Pope Athanasius the Apostolic, the bishop of Alexandria, Moustafa said.

Each of the discovered coins has two faces; one of them bearing the picture of the emperor in different positions and surrounded with words, including the emperor's own name, Moustafa said. He added that the other face of the coins bear drawings and writings that indicate their date of coinage.

Kamel Bayoumi Ahmed, the head of the archaeological mission and director general of Dakhla Antiquities Sector, said the clay pot and its content were moved to a warehouse in the area. The first renovation process of the coins and the archaeological documentation already started, Ahmed said. Archaeological and scientific studies will be conducted to obtain further information about the coins, he added. 

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