Thursday, October 25, 2018

Links and Resources – Bryn Mawr College Egyptology Association

Links and Resources

Egyptology Reference Works

The BMCEA Egyptology Resource list:

This list serves as a useful starting point for anyone wishing to research Ancient Egypt! It is full of useful sources and some of the most important texts in the history of Egyptology.

Online Egyptological Bibliography:

The O.E.B. is an Oxford database of Egyptological journal publications and books. If you are researching a topic in Egyptology, this is one of the best places to find relevant publications!

Porter and Moss's Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings:

Porter and Moss is one of the most important reference works in the history of the discipline. Volumes I-VII systematically work through most sites in Egypt and Nubia, describing the architecture, ornamentation, and statuary in great detail, and provides references to publications of each aspect of the site. Volume VIII (still being digitized) describes statues and artifacts in museums around the world which lack any provenance.

Ancient Egyptian Literature Vol. I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms
Ancient Egyptian Literature Vol. II: The New Kingdom
Ancient Egyptian Literature Vol III: The Late Period

Miriam Lichtheim's work on Egyptian Literature is a set of essential texts from ancient Egypt, and they are widely regarded as good translations. If you are interested in Egyptian mythology, poetry, funerary texts, philosophy, or documents from daily life, these volumes are an excellent place to start.


Egyptology Collections and Databases

Triarte – Online catalog of Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges's collections

The British Museum Collection Database

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection

The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection

Boston Museum of Fine Arts Collection

Ashmolean Collections Online

The Turin Museo Egizio Database

The UCL Petrie Museum Catalog

Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire

Theban Mapping Project


Academic Institutes

ARCE-The American Research Center in Egypt

The Egypt Exploration Society

IAE- The International Association of Egyptologists

OI- The Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago

The Griffith Institute at Oxford University

AIA- The Archaeological Institute of America

The American Society of Papyrologists

Landmark Egyptology Publications

Description De L'Egypt
~cumulative publication of Napoleon's 1789 expedition to Egypt, 1809-1822

Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia
~ by Giovanni Battista Belzoni, 1820

Lettre à M. Dacier
~ by Jean-François Champollion, 1822

Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien (Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia)
~ by Karl Richard Lepsius, 1849-1846

A Thousand Miles up the Nile
~ by Amelia B. Edwards, 1877

Ancient Records of Egypt
~ by James Henry Breasted, 1906

Ancient Egyptian Paintings Vol. I , Vol II., Vol III.
~Nina Davies, 1936

Primary Egyptology Graduate School Programs:

In the United States:

Brown University
PhD in Egyptology and Assyriology

Harvard University
MA in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

John Hopkins University
PhD in Egyptology, Egyptian Art, and Archaeology

University of California Berkley
MA in Egyptology
PhD in Near Eastern Studies

University of California Los Angeles
–  MA in Egyptology
PhD in Egyptology

New York University
MA in Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian Studies
PhD in Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian Studies (not currently accepting students as of Oct. 2018)
PhD in The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

University of Chicago
PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

University of Memphis
MA in Art History with concentration in Egyptian Art and Archaeology

University of Michigan
PhD in Middle Eastern Studies, focus in Ancient Egypt

University of Pennsylvania
MA in Egyptology
PhD in Egyptology
MA in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World
PhD in Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World

Yale University
PhD in Egyptology
PhD in The Classical Near East

International Programs:

Oxford University
MPhil in Egyptology
DPhil in Oriental Studies
DPhil in Archaeology
DPhil in Archaeological Science

Cambridge University
MPhil in Egyptology
MPhil in Archaeology
MPhil in Archaeological Research
PhD in Archaeology

The American University in Cairo
MA in Egyptology: Art, Archaeology and History 
MA in Egyptology: Language, Literature and Religion 
MA in Coptology

University of Toronto
MA in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
PhD in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations

University of Liverpool
MA in Egyptology
MRes in Egyptology
MA in Classics and Ancient History
MRes in Classics and Ancient History
MRes in Archaeology
MSc in Archaeology

University College London
MA in Archaeology and Heritage of Egypt and the Middle East
MA in Mediterranean Archaeology

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