Sunday, September 2, 2018

Who are ‘Here Come the Mummies?’ - The Beacon | Port Clinton News, Marblehead News, Oak Harbor News, Lake Erie Islands News

Who are 'Here Come the Mummies?'


The most exotic funk-rock band in the country is coming to Port Clinton for the Rock the Light Musical Festival on Sept. 7-8, a major explosion of talent putting our town on the musical map.

"Here Come the Mummies" have been selling out major venues for many months, garnering fans all over the country. The eight-piece group on its "Wicked  Never Rest Tour" have kept their exotic identities hid- den, but there's ample proof they're all top talent from  ancient Egypt!

We cornered saxophone player Midnight Shadow and Mummy Cass, two stellar performers, to get the inside scoop on the group.

Q. Is this still the "Wicked Never Rest Tour?" And  what is the meaning behind that tag for band mem- bers? 
Mummy Cass: Sure is. All of 2018 is called Wicked Never Rest. We're always up to something. And it's usually just a touch on the naughty side.
Midnight: Nothing crazy. Just a touch. 

Q. How would describe your funk-rock music style?
Mummy Cass: That's it. You did it!
Midnight: He's just messing with ya. Like any band, we have lots of influences, like Sly Stone, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding, Mavis Staples, P-funk, James Brown... so many more.
Mummy Cass: But when we write and record it just comes out sounding like us. Go figure.

Q. You all seem to relish interacting with the audience, from start to finish of your concerts. Does  that help the audience to connect with you? And vice-versa? 
Mummy Cass: We do. Always great to see people get- tin' down. We love to make 'em happy. 
Midnight: And they give that energy back to us. You could power a city.

Q. When did you play your first gig? Where? Was it so much fun, playing togeth-er, that you knew you'd have to keep doing it?
Mummy Cass: We used to play weddings andsuch back in ancient Egypt. Those partieslasted for days.
Midnight: We noticed something. Ladies dig music. So, it wasn't difficult math.

Q. Music fans love raunchy lyrics in this area, which includes the rowdy venues at Put-in-Bay on the Lake Erie Islands and local legends such as Pat Dailey, a good buddy and a regular on the Bob and Tom Radio Show. Judging by the Bob and Tom Radio shows you've done, most everyone gets a kick out of your lyrics, too.
Mummy Cass: We really prefer "clever" or "innuendo-laden." Very little actual raunch there, but we know what you mean.
Midnight: It definitely adds a whole other dimension of fun, beyond just blazing away musically.
Mummy Cass: We have depth. So much depth.

Q. With trumpet and sax solos, and exceptional bass and guitar, your sound is very  unique. It does seem to do is energize the audience. Is wild dancing mandatory at your concerts?
Mummy Cass: Nothing is mandatory. But everyone is invited.
Midnight: We dare ya to sit still, arms folded, frowning.

Q. You've been around for a while - 8 years? Fans from all over seem to have caught on to HCTM. That has to be gratifying, eh?
Mummy Cass: Oh, it's quite a bit longer than that. Thousands of years. But, in the modern era, we started to get a bit more attention around 2009.
Midnight: It's pretty cool, yep.

Q. Mandatory for this area: Do any of your guys enjoying fishing? You are playing on  the Lake Erie shoreline in the Walleye Capital of the World, you know! Want to catch a  few while you're here?
Mummy Cass:
Spaz had a bad encounter with a walleye once, and it involved missing fingers, so hell yeah, count us in!
Midnight: Midnight out.

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