Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Oriental Institute Oral History Project | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago


Oriental Institute Oral History Project

Oriental Institute Oral History Project

The goal of the Oriental Institute Oral History Project is to collect and preserve information about the Institute, its history, its population, and their experiences. Oral traditions represent a unique perspective on institutional history rarely captured by conventional research and publication methods. In order to collect samples of Oriental Institute oral traditions, the project will conduct voluntary interviews with various members or former members of the Oriental Institute community. Interviews will be recorded in both video and audio formats. The original files will be cataloged and stored in the Oriental Institute digital repository (for further information on the digital repository, see the Integrated Database Project). An edited version of the files will be released publicly on official Oriental Institute platforms, websites, and social media. The project coordinators are Foy Scalf, Head of Research Archives and the Integrated Database Project, and Anne Flannery, Head of Museum Archives and Digital Content Specialist. Knut Boehmer provides all IT and audio/visual support for this project.


Interview 1: John Larson, Archivist
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Location: Saieh Hall
Hosts: Foy Scalf, Anne Flannery
Audio, Visual, and Technical Support: Knut Boehmer

Interview 2: Robert Biggs, Emeritus Professor of Assyriology
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Location: Saieh Hall
Hosts: Foy Scalf, Anne Flannery, John Wee
Audio, Visual, and Technical Support: Knut Boehmer

Interview 3: Jill Carlotta Maher
Monday, June 11, 2018
Location: Saieh Hall
Hosts: Foy Scalf, Anne Flannery
Audio, Visual, and Technical Support: Knut Boehmer

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