Friday, September 28, 2018

Festschrift Celebrating the Career of Janet Johnson Now Available | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

Festschrift Celebrating the Career of Janet Johnson Now Available

September 23, 2018

The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago announces the publication of a new title in
print and online:

/Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th
Edited by Robert K. Ritner
Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 70
Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2017
Pp. xii + 452; 262 illustrations (many color)
ISBN 978-1-61491-032-9 $59.95
Purchase in the UK:

Janet H. Johnson, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Professor of Egyptology, is internationally known as
editor of the Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) project (1976–present), but her publications and
interests extend far beyond lexicography. These range from philology and social history to
technology and archaeology, including gender studies and marriage, bureaucracy and scribal training,
Egyptian grammar of all periods, as well as computer applications to Egyptology and archaeological
investigations of the late antique port at Quseir on the Red Sea coast and medieval Luxor. This
Festschrift, by twenty-eight colleagues, students, and friends, reflects her wide variety of
interests, with topics ranging from the Old Kingdom to Late Antiquity.

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