Saturday, September 15, 2018 Weekly Digest <>

Uroš Matić <> *Uroš Matić*
University of Münster <>, Institut für
Ägyptologie und Koptologie
<>, Post-Doc

Matić, Uroš. 2018. The sap of life: Materiality and sex in the divine birth legend of Hatshepsut and
Amenhotep III In Perspectives on materiality in ancient Egypt-agency, cultural reproduction and
change, eds. R. Lemos, C. Velloza and E. Meynart. Oxford: Archaeopress.


Ian Shaw <> *Ian Shaw*
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

'Sifting the spoil heaps: excavation techniques from Peet to Pendlebury at el-Amarna', Studies
dedicated to Prof. H.S. Smith, ed. M.A. Leahy and J. Tait (London: Egypt Exploration Society, 2000),

The data recorded by excavators at el-Amarna in the 1920s and 1930s may appear flawed or distorted
compared with more recently excavated material, but the most valuable contribution of the work of
the pre-1979 excavators was their sheer scale. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to explore some
of the ways in which the records of the early excavations can be reanalysed and reinterpreted as a
result of an improved understanding of these early excavation strategies and techniques.


Olaf Kaper <> *Olaf Kaper*
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

A painting of the gods of Dakhla in the temple of Ismant el-Kharab


Olaf Kaper <> *Olaf Kaper*
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

Restoring wall paintings of the temple of Tutu


Ute Rummel <> *Ute Rummel*
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

Ritual space and symbol of power: monumental tomb architecture in Thebes at the end of the New

The starting point for the considerations on late Ramesside tomb architecture presented in this
paper is the monumental tomb temple complex of the two High Priests of Amun, Ramsesnakht, and his
son, Amenhotep, at Dra' Abu el-Naga (K93.11/K93.12). The elaborate architectural and spatial concept
of these monuments is revealing with regard to both the development of funerary architecture and
tomb semantics, as well as to the function of tombs within a well-defined ritual landscape. Besides
the funerary resp. religious dimension, the findings at the site also shed light on the biography of


Camilla Di Biase-Dyson <>
*Camilla Di Biase-Dyson* <>
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

A nautical metaphor for obedience and a likely case of negated disjunction in Egyptian (2017)


Keith Hamilton <> *Keith Hamilton*
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal <>

Khentkawes Tomb, Giza, A Layman's Guide


Frederic Guyot <> *Frederic Guyot*
Bookmarked by Salima Ikram <>

Guyot F. 2016 (Internal Report). Excavations at the Predynastic site of Tell el-Samara. Preliminary
report on the first season, December 2015.


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