Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Renovation of Muhammad Ali Mosque’s chandelier nearly finished - Egypt Today's-chandelier-nearly-finished
Mohamed Ali Mosque – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia        Mohamed Ali Mosque – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

Renovation of Muhammad Ali Mosque's chandelier nearly finished

Wed, Aug. 29, 2018

CAIRO – 29 August 2018: The Ministry of Antiquities has nearly finished the renovation works of Muhammad Ali Mosque's chandelier located in the eastern part, and will install it in October, according to Ghareb Sonbol, the director of the Central Administration of Conservation.

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The Ministry of Antiquities has nearly finished the renovation works of Muhammad Ali Mosque's chandelier located in the eastern part, and will install it in October-Ministry of Antiquities' official Facebook page

Sonbol said that all the chandelier's pieces have been dismantled to be restored and cleaned; besides, the missing pieces have been replaced by another of the same design and specifications, referring that the ministry is currently collecting the chandelier's parts to install it in October.

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The Ministry of Antiquities has nearly finished the renovation works of Muhammad Ali Mosque's chandelier located in the eastern part, and will install it in October-Ministry of Antiquities' official Facebook page

The Ministry of Antiquities announced in January 2018 that the Central Administration of Conservation is set to start renovation works at Muhammad Ali Mosque.

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The Ministry of Antiquities has nearly finished the renovation works of Muhammad Ali Mosque's chandelier located in the eastern part, and will install it in October-Ministry of Antiquities' official Facebook page

The Central Administration of Conservation, started with repairing the great nine chandeliers of the mosque, clarifying that the chandeliers carried harmed wires, and accessories.

Sonbol added that the renovation works include replacing the old and destroyed parts with new parts, and that all renovation processes are carried out carefully and accurately; besides, all mosques' chandeliers will be repaired gradually.

The renovation process will not only handle the mosque's light system, but also will include the carpets, and the curtains of Muhammed Ali's shrine.

The renovation process is part of Muhammad Ali Mosque's revival project which started in mid-2017; it is worth mentioning that 90 percent of the required work has been completed.

The Great Mosque of Muhammed Ali, also known as the Alabaster Mosque, was constructed in Salah El Din Citadel between 1830 and 1848. It is considered one of the fascinating monuments of Muhammed Ali's reign due to its architectural and artistic details.
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