Wednesday, August 8, 2018 Weekly Digest

Hana Navratilova Hana Navratilova
University of ReadingDepartment of Classics, Faculty Member

Layered Agendas: Jaroslav Černý, stateless Egyptologist between decolonization and the Cold War

The history of the Aswan High Dam project and the related salvage campaign in Lower and Upper Nubia simultaneously includes a portrait of political and economic strife and the exceptional effort made by archaeologists. As the Cold War and decolonisation impacted the Egyptian political and cultural concepts, institutions and individuals worked in a network of professional and political allegiances that contradict the applicability ofa singular guiding narrative, including that of decolonisation or the Cold War, if studied in isolation. A case study of two Egyptologists of Czechoslovak...

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Zeno Karl Pinter Zeno Karl Pinter
"Lucian Blaga" University of SibiuHistory, Patrimony, Protestant Theology, Faculty Member

O descoperire arheologică mai mult sau mai puţin întâmplătoare. Spada medievală de la Şeica Mare, în Transilvania 3/2018.

This paper brings forward a solitary case in Romania when the discoverer of a sword (found with the aid of a metal detector) chose to prese it "in situ", and to report it to local authorities. Following the report an archaeological diagnosis was run to salvage the item, wich is a knightly weapon from the first half of the 13th century.

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Katarzyna Kapiec Katarzyna Kapiec
Polish Academy of SciencesInstitute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Faculty Member

The menkhet sign as clothing symbol in the Egyptian iconography, Sign and Symbol in Egypt and Mesoamerica, Warszawa, 30th June - 2nd July 2016,

The menkhet sign (S 27) might represent either " horizontal strip of cloth with two or more strands of a fringe " or at least " two vertical strips of folded cloth on some kind of stand ". Sometimes it is interpreted as a warp threads of the textile. This sign is used as a determinative or as an ideogram in the word " clothing " , translated also as a " kind of fabric ". The menkhet sign can serve as a determinative in the names of specific kind of linen too. Besides texts, this clothing hieroglyph appears in the iconographic context in the tombs and temples wall decoration. Menkhet occurs...

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Mario Gavranovic Mario Gavranovic
Austrian Academy of SciencesInstitute for Oriental and European Archaeology, Post-Doc

No Group, no People? Archaeological Record and Creation of Groups in the Western Balkans (2018). In: S.Gimatzidis/M.Pieniążek/S. Mangaloğlu-Votruba (eds.) Archaeology Across Frontiers and Borderlands Fragmentation and Connectivity in the North Aegean and the Central Balkans, OREA 9, 427-447

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Erin O'Halloran Erin O'Halloran
University of OxfordHistory, Graduate Student

Daniel Malcolm Reid, Contesting Antiquity in Egypt: Archaeologies, Museums & the Struggle for Identities in Egypt, from World War I to Nasser

Published in the May 2018 issue of Review of Middle Eastern Studies

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Vanessa Davies Vanessa Davies
University of California, BerkeleyPhoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Post-Doc

Peace in Ancient Egypt

Coming September 2018: One of the world's oldest treaties provides the backdrop for a new analysis of the Egyptian concept of hetep ("peace"). To understand the full range of meaning of hetep, Peace in Ancient Egypt explores battles against Egypt's enemies, royal offerings to deities, and rituals of communing with the dead. Vanessa Davies argues that hetep is the result of action that is just, true, and in accord with right order (maat). Central to the concept of hetep are the issues of rhetoric and community. Beyond detailing the ancient Egyptian concept of hetep, it is hoped that this...

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Steven Edwards Steven Edwards
University of TorontoNear and Middle Eastern Civilizations, Graduate Student

The Second Season of Excavation of the Khirbat al-Mukhayyat Archaeological Project

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Natalia O Lind Natalia O Lind
University of CopenhagenDepartment of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Faculty Member

Где был похоронен Витус Беринг? (Where is Vitus Bering Buried?)

In 1991 on Bering Island archeologists excavated six graves. One, grave № 6, was identified as the grave of Captain-Commander Vitus Bering, who died December 8, 1741. The remaining five graves were considered to belong to crewmen of the Second Kamchatka expedition. These identifications have never been verified nor contested, nonetheless the reconstructed facial characteristics of the skull in grave № 6 has generally been acknowledged as representing those of Vitus Bering and are now widely known from numerous busts. In the article all known written sources, pertaining to the deaths and...

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Anton Kireev
FESUPolitical Science, Faculty Member

Подходы к изучению и проектированию пограничной политики: критический анализ и типологизация

В своей работе автор предлагает двухуровневую типологию подходов, используемых в настоящее время в изучении и проектировании пограничной политики. Основополагающим критерием анализа и типологизации подходов является представление об онтологии границы и, соответственно, главной, центральной детерминанте пограничной политики. Наиболее перспективными средствами изучения и проектирования пограничной политики автор считает полицентрические подходы и, в особенности, системно-теоретический (метасистемный) подход, базирующийся на теории общества Н. Лумана. In his work the author proposes a two-tier...

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Vanessa Davies Vanessa Davies
University of California, BerkeleyPhoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Post-Doc

An Untold Story of Black Intellectuals and Egyptology

Histories of Egyptology as an academic discipline have overlooked the contributions of writers and scholars of African descent. Between 1900 and 1925, a number of conversations occurred between white Egyptologists and scholars and writers of African descent in America. This talk will explore two of these conversations involving W. E. B. Du Bois and Pauline Hopkins. Understanding Du Bois and Hopkins' treatments of ancient Egypt and ancient Sudan gives us a richer perspective on the history of the discipline of Egyptology in the United States. It also provides important insight into the...

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