Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Google Translate: About the Ancient Egyptian Circle "Kemet"


Publications related to the "Kemet" Circle:
The "Kemet" Scientific Circle co-organized the Conference of Archeology Students of Ancient Egypt every year, which in 2014 was renamed the Symposium of Young Egyptologists. Materials from the first conference were published in the journal AR - Rocznik Archeologiczny, Volume I. The articles from the next were published in the fifth issue of Interlinie magazine. The penultimate publication, on the other hand, is Materials from the 3rd Conference of Archeology Students of Ancient Egypt, Wroclaw 19-20 May 2011 , edited by P. Chudzik and W. Ejsmond. Articles of speeches from the last conferences were published in Medjat - Egyptian Studies (tomay I - III). In the subsequent volumes, subsequent post-conference articles will be published. Thanks to the efforts of the members of the circle, a special issue of the AD REM Academic Quarter, devoted entirely to ancient Egypt, was also published.
All volumes of Medjat - Egyptian Studies can be downloaded here:
Medjat I (2013)
Medjat II (2014)
If you want to share the results of your own research and interests, please write to the editor. Please read the information on call for papers and editorial requirements ( rules for writing and accepting texts and a review form ).
Other important publications:
There are many good, professional books and magazines on the Internet, here are the most important links to archives and other sources of publications:
Egyptian Archeology , Willeke Wendrich, 2010.
The cult status of all Egyptologists since 1975, "Lexikon der Ägyptologie" available online:
Vol. I (A-Ernte): http://www.libreka.de/9783447016704/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAxNjcwNCUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. II (Erntefest-Hordjedef): http://www.libreka.de/9783447018760/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAxODc2MCUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. III (Horhekenu-Megeb): http://www.libreka.de/9783447021005/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAyMTAwNSUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. IV (Megiddo-Pyramiden): http://www.libreka.de/9783447022620/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAyMjYyMCUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. V (Pyramidenbau-Steingefasse): http://www.libreka.de/9783447024891/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAyNDg5MSUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. VI (Stele-Zypresse): http://www.libreka.de/9783447026635/FC#X2ludGVybmFsX0ZsYXNoRmlkZWxpdHk/eG1saWQ9OTc4MzQ0NzAyNjYzNSUyRkZDJmltYWdlcGFnZT1GQw==
Vol. VII (Nachtrage, Korrekturen und Indices): http://www.libreka.de/9783447033329/FC
Literature related to ancient Egypt in Warsaw
Many books on topics related to Egypt are missing in Warsaw libraries. Nevertheless, many people are not aware of what and where they are. As it turns out, you do not always need to photograph or scan a given item or bring it to Warsaw. The search for a given publication will be facilitated by this catalog of Egyptological books in Warsaw , which will shorten the pilgrimage between libraries and search for the only one.
It's worse with magazines. However, there is a list of them. It is true that old and limited only to the University of Warsaw, but often it is the old positions you are looking for. This catalog of Egyptological journals in the libraries of the University of Warsaw can help!
In addition, there is an online catalog of the PAN libraries:
Using catalogs created by members of the "Kemet" Circle, it should be remembered that:
- Department of Mediterranean Archeology (ZAŚ PAN) has been renamed the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures (IKŚO PAN). The catalogs contain earlier abbreviations.
- These catalogs are the result of work of several generations of students. The initiators of these catalogs are already writing their habilitations! The list of people who have entered further publications here is very long. Refusing your evening prayer, do not forget to mention them! Amen!
- These catalogs were written on the most archaic versions of Windows, in various programs and techniques since the 90's. Around 2007, everything was converted to Excel, which resulted in errors and distortions due to the fact that eg a space with a lot could cause that the column could be in the wrong column, etc. This is how it converts from Word and similar Excel programs. After all, the "period of errors and deviations of the system" in creating our catalog is probably unbearable. It's better than manually rewriting over 3,000 items! There are also purely human spelling mistakes, etc.
There are plans to further update the catalog and bring back the missing magazines. There is still some work waiting for us and some hands to help! 

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