Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Urgent: Oppose an Amendment to Decrease Funding for NEH

National Humanities Alliance
National Humanities Alliance
This afternoon, the House of Representatives will consider an amendment to the FY 2019 Interior Appropriations bill that would cut the proposed FY 2019 budget of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) by 15% or nearly $23 million. This would be a setback to the increased funding that appropriations committees in the House and the Senate have supported to date.
The House will consider this amendment TODAY.
Please click here to urge your Member of Congress to oppose the amendment and encourage others to contact their Members of Congress as well!
We have seen strong bipartisan support for this increase in the House, with 166 representatives, including 19 Republicans, signing on to a Dear Colleague Letter requesting increased funding for the NEH earlier this year. Given this level of support, we are hopeful that with robust opposition from the humanities community, the Grothman amendment will fail and the House will vote on an Interior bill that includes $155 for the NEH. Click here to learn more about the amendment.

National Humanities Alliance

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