Saturday, July 28, 2018

Egypt plans to establish its first religious tolerance museum - Egypt Independent


Egypt plans to establish its first religious tolerance museum

A committee will be tasked with creating Egypt's first museum of religious tolerance, Minister of Antiquities Khaled Anany announced on Thursday.

The museum will aim to demonstrate how Islam's teachings of tolerance, combined with Egypt's inclusive culture, created a diverse environment for religions to flourish. It will include pieces from Pharaonic, Islamic, Coptic and Jewish civilizations. 

Located in the New Administrative Capital, the museum will neighbor the city's main mosque on a 50×15 meter stretch of land, with the possibility of added length. The council is currently collecting a pick of centerpieces, to be ready for display by the time the museum is built, and arranged by a panel of professionals.

The panel includes esteemed archaeologist and ex-Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawas, General Manager of the Tahrir Egyptian Museum Sabah Abdel Razik, and General Manager of the Islamic Museum Mamdouh Othman.

Egypt has shown a recent interest in portraying minority faiths in its history. In 2017, the Egyptian Museum held a display titled "Egypt: the cradle of religions", where it displayed several Islamic and Coptic artifacts. Moreover, Egypt hosts an Islamic Art Museum and a Coptic Museum, while Magda Haroun, head of Egypt's Jewish Community Council, is undergoing efforts to create a national Jewish museum.

Egypt plays a central role in the New and Old Testaments; the land of Egypt is mentioned 750 times while the word "Pharaoh" is mentioned over 200 times, according to theologist Peter Görg.

In the numerous Islamic empires since, minorities have faced a fluctuating history of tolerance. Copts enjoyed unmatched prosperity and official positions of influence under early caliphs such as Abdelaziz Ben Marwan. Yet under his son Amr, Copts faced legal ostracization, prompting many to convert or flee, according to UCLA historian Luke Yarbrough. The decades-long relationship between Islamic Egypt and its minorities is a reflection of the diversity of Islamic thought, and its differing perspectives on religious pluralism.


Ahmed Adly
Build a buhddist temple in Cairo and then talk to me about tolerance.
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Alec Saby
We all know your Islamic background Mr. Minister of Antiquities and you wish to create Egypt's first museum of religious tolerance, WOW, this is amazing news, Your Islamic ancestors were disposing or given it away free ancient artifacts during the period from 1700 to 1900. The Islamic Rulers were considering the Pharaonic Artifacts " Frahna" are infidel "Kafarah". You said, "It will include pieces from Pharaonic, Islamic, Coptic and Jewish civilizations", and you ignored the correct order, Jewish and Pharaonic are parallel in the history of mankind. Islam comes to Egypt by swords & violence and displaced the origin of Egypt society.
To demonstrate how Islam's teachings of tolerance: this is the bluff of all bluffs. Nasser eliminated the Jews of Egypt, confiscated their property and force them out of Egypt and shut-off synagogues. Nasser had done the dirty deeds and 70 years since no justices or compensation to the Jews of Egypt and Nasser also kept the Copts under his chain.
How can you create a diverse religion in Egypt when all Islamic establishments and mosques are blocking the diversity and free religions? "The dirty Imams will not allow". So, the Museum will attach to a mosque, don't you have already enough mosques in Egypt? Are you going to include Jewish Rabbi in the professional panel to explain the Jewish Law and Coptic priest to explain diversity? Or all will be selected an Imams and biased officials.
The fluctuating history of tolerance you claimed is empty words and it should be read "the fluctuating history of violence- Convert or Flee", after all, Islam is the religion of peace. It will be easy to admit the truth then try to bluff the international communities.
--   Sent from my Linux system.

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