Monday, July 2, 2018

Egypt inaugurates touring exhibition of 190 ancient Egyptian artefacts in Italy - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Egypt inaugurates touring exhibition of 190 ancient Egyptian artefacts in Italy

Mohamed Al-Agroudy, Monday 2 Jul 2018
Egyptian exhibition of Pharaonic artifacts in Italy (Photo: Mohamed Al-Agroudy)

Egyptian officials inaugurated on Monday in Viterbo, Italy the start of an exhibit of 190 ancient Egyptian artefacts as part of a cultural exhibition that is touring Italian cities for six months.

Egyptian antiquities ministry official Amr El-Tibi said that the exhibit includes the most important artefacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun, including the king's famous golden death mask, his war chariot and his bed.

The exhibit also includes a model of the cemetery at the Valley of the Kings in Luxor as well as replicas of the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti.

Egyptian ambassador to Rome Hisham Badr said during a speech at the inauguration that such events serve to boost relations between Egypt and Italy. Badr added that the exhibition reveals the interest of the Italian people in the Egyptian civilisation.

Bishop of Viterbo Cardinal Fumagalli, who recently returned from a religious pilgrimage to Egypt, called on Italians to visit Egypt to witness the country's unique and culturally diverse history.

The bishop said that Egypt is the cradle of human civilisation, the sanctuary of the Holy Family of Jesus Christ, and a safe destination for tourists.

Badr said that the cultural exhibition includes a series of artistic and cultural events, the most prominent of which are exhibits of replicas of ancient Egyptian and Coptic artefacts.

The cultural exhibition also features performances by Egyptian folklore ensembles, Badr said, adding that the event represents an important example of cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Eugenio Benedetti, president of the Italian NGO Benedetti, described the exhibition as a message and invitation for Italians to visit Egypt, which is considered a friendly country.

Benedetti added that Egypt is a safe country, stressing that it has not waged war against any country and is a friend of all nations.

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