Thursday, July 12, 2018

Archaeological chambers uncovered in Alexandria - Greco-Roman - Heritage - Ahram Online

Archaeological chambers uncovered in Alexandria

A number of Roman and Byzantine chambers were uncovered in rescue excavations in Alexandria

Nevine El-Aref , Thursday 12 Jul 2018

A number of Roman and Byzantine chambers have been uncovered during rescue excavations carried out in Mitt Abu Al-Kom at Marya site in Alexandria. 

Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, explained that one of the discovered chambers has walls composed of huge stone blocks at right angles with burry remains of Roman structures, while the second chamber has marble columns smoothly carved in Doric order Roman style, in addition to a large number of coins.

The rest of the chambers have Byzantine walls, which contain blocks of stone of irregular and unequal sizes with spaces filled with weak Byzantine mortar, much of which deteriorated.

Another room with a tiled floor has a column bearing foliage decoration.

Nadia Kheidr, head of the Central Department of Antiquities of Lower Egypt, said that a number of lamps decorated with crosses and palm leaves were found, along with dishes and two large water jars, all of them in good condition, as well as a large number of fragments of pottery.

The remains of rooms

Pots uncovered


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