Tuesday, July 24, 2018

‘Abdiel: Egyptian Vizier and “Servant of the God El” - Biblical Archaeology Society


'Abdiel: Egyptian Vizier and "Servant of the God El"

Parallel for Joseph in the Bible?


The Egyptian vizier 'Abdiel. Made of wood and decorated with gold, glass, and paint, 'Abdiel's outer coffin was excavated from the burial chamber of his tomb. Could this vizier from ancient Egypt illuminate the story of Joseph in the Bible? Photo: © Hypogées (P. Chapuis/MAFB).

Who is the Egyptian vizier 'Abdiel?

In 1980, Egyptologist Alain Zivie began excavating a rock-cut tomb in Saqqara, Egypt (near Cairo). He and his team quickly discovered that this was no ordinary complex. Replete with hidden chambers, the tomb had four levels. While battling collapsing rocks due to water erosion on the cliff above, they carefully uncovered the various rooms. Finally, in 1987, they discovered the tomb's burial chamber with the remains of the Egyptian vizier 'Abdiel, his wife Tauret, and his son Huy. Each had been buried in three coffins.

Extraordinary grave goods filled the room: canopic jars, a diadem, and a wood cubit listing some of 'Abdiel's prestigious titles, to name a few. These items, along with the tomb's inscriptions and illustrations, help paint a picture of 'Abdiel's importance in ancient Egypt.

In his article "Pharaoh's Man, 'Abdiel: The Vizier with a Semitic Name" published in the July/August 2018 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Alain Zivie explores this intriguing figure, the Egyptian vizier 'Abdiel, who lived in the 14th century B.C.E. and who likely served two pharaohs, Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (better known by his later name Akhenaten).

'Abdiel's name is unusual. In Egyptian, it is 'Aper-El. 'Aper is the Egyptian way to render the Semitic word 'abed, which means "servant." So, Alain Zivie believes that the vizier's name actually would have been pronounced "'Abdiel." The second part of his name consists of the name of the god El, the head of the Syro-Canaanite pantheon. Thus, "'Abdiel" means "servant of [the god] El." El is also the generic Semitic term for "god" and one of the names of the Israelites' deity in the Hebrew Bible

Abdiel had many titles, including "chief of the town, vizier," "general of the horses," "chief in the entire land," "messenger of the king" (ambassador), and "father of the god" (senior advisor who knew the pharaoh as a child). 'Abdiel is the only vizier in the history of ancient Egypt to be called "child of the kap" (someone raised or educated in the palace). He also bears the title "first servant of Aten in …" Although this title's ending is not readable, the surviving part shows that 'Abdiel was connected to the Egyptian god Aten, whose worship rose to prominence during Akhenaten's reign.

An official (possibly of foreign origin) with a Semitic name, meaning "servant of [the god] El," who became a vizier in ancient Egypt, may remind many of the figure of Joseph in the Bible. Alain Zivie is quick to clarify that he is not identifying 'Abdiel with Joseph, nor is he claiming that Joseph was a historical person.

In the Bible, Joseph, son of Jacob (also called Israel) and Rachel, is born in Haran (northern Levant). His family settles in the land of Canaan (southern Levant), and he grows up there until his brothers sell him into slavery (around age 17). He ends up in the household of an Egyptian officer named Potiphar, who was captain of the guard. Joseph excels in Potiphar's household until Potiphar's wife frames Joseph for attempted assault. Joseph then lands in prison, where he stays for several years. During that time, he interprets dreams for two members of Pharaoh's household. Joseph's interpretations come true, and two years later, when Pharaoh has disturbing dreams, Joseph's skill of interpreting dreams is remembered. Joseph is summoned from prison and interprets Pharaoh's dreams—predicting a severe famine. Pharaoh then makes Joseph (at age 30) second-in-command of Egypt and puts him in charge of storing provisions for the famine. In this role, Joseph is later reconnected with his brothers, who go to Egypt to buy grain, and eventually with his entire family. Joining Joseph, they take refuge from the famine in Egypt (Genesis 30–47).

There are similarities between the Biblical figure of Joseph and the vizier 'Abdiel. Both have Semitic names (and likely origins) and rise to prominent positions in Egypt. However, although these commonalities are striking, it is not possible to correlate the two—based on the existing archaeological evidence.

Nevertheless, the vizier 'Abdiel was an important, intriguing figure in 14th-century Egypt. Learn more about his identity and tomb in Alain Zivie's article "Pharaoh's Man, 'Abdiel: The Vizier with a Semitic Name" in the July/August 2018 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review.


Subscribers: Read the full article "Pharaoh's Man, 'Abdiel: The Vizier with a Semitic Name" by Alain Zivie in the July/August 2018 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review.

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