Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ministry of Antiquities Facebook statement on the Alexandria Sarcophagus

توجه الدكتور مصطفي وزيري الأمين العام للمجلس الاعلي للاثار علي رأس لجنة اثرية علمية الي مدينة الاسكندرية لفتح التابوت الجرانيتي الذي تم الكشف عنه في منطقة سيدي جابر حي شرق الاسكندرية
و صرح د. وزيري انه بفتح التابوت تبين انه ملئ بمياه الصرف الصحي و التي تسربت داخله عن طريق بالبيارة الموجوده بالمنطقة هذا بالاضافة الي ثلاثة هياكل عظمية.
وأكد شعبان عبد المنعم متخصص في دراسة المومياوات و الهياكل العظمية ان المعاينة المبدئية للهياكل العظمية تشير الي انها في اغلب الظن تخص ثلاثة ...

Dr. Mostafa Ministers, Secretary-General of the high council of Antiquities, directed at the head of a scientific archaeological commission to the city of Alexandria to open the sarcophagus, which was detected in sidi jaber district. And he stated: My Ministry has opened the coffin, showing that it was filled with sewage, which was leaked through the grove in this area, plus three skeletons.

Shaaban Abdul, specializing in the study of mummies and skeletons, confirmed that the initial preview of bone structures suggests that they are most likely to belong to three officers or military soldiers, where one of the skeletons found a blow to the arrow.
He added: I would like to say that these structures discovered inside the coffin will be transferred to the museum of Alexandria's National Restoration Museum and study to learn more about skeletons, cause of death and historical era.

The coffin will be lifted after its initial restoration and transferred to Mustafa's entire warehouse in cooperation with the north military (engineering body).


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