Saturday, June 30, 2018

In pics: Abusir 'Taposiris Magna', one of the most dazzling archeological cities - Egypt Today
The ruins of Taposiris Magna are seen February 01, 2012 near        the village of Abusir, some 50 kilometers west of Alexandria,        Egypt. Once the site of a temple and a royal cemetery, it is        believed by some archeologists and scholars to be the possible        burial p The ruins of Taposiris Magna are seen February 01, 2012 near the village of Abusir, some 50 kilometers west of Alexandria, Egypt. Once the site of a temple and a royal cemetery, it is believed by some archeologists and scholars to be the possible burial p

In pics: Abusir 'Taposiris Magna', one of the most dazzling archeological cities

Sat, Jun. 30, 2018

CAIRO – 30 June 2018: On the Mediterranean coast of the northern Delta near Lake Mariout, about 45 kilometers to the west of Alexandria, is the town of Abusir. The city's ancient name was "Taposiris Magna".

Abusir dates back to the Ptolemaic era and includes several ancient Egyptian monuments, such as the Taposiris Temple, which was a religious shrine built for Isis, and a lighthouse that resembled the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Taposiris temple

Taposiris Magna - Wikipedia

Taposiris Temple was established by Pharaoh Ptolemy II Philadelphus between 280 and 270 BCE. Huge slabs of limestone, extracted from ancient quarries that are now still in the city, were used to build the monument's walls. According to Greek biographer Plutarch, the temple denotes the tomb of Osiris, which is the translation of the name.

Most of the remains of Taposiris Magna today date from the Graeco-Roman Period. The temple also contains bronze artifacts related to the worship rituals of Isis: a jug, lamp, balance, statues and vases, all of which date back to the Roman Ptolemaic period. An ancient church was also found inside the temple, and gold coins dating back to the Byzantine period were found near the temple.

Abusir lighthouse

The Pharos of Abusir, a likely copy of the famed lighthouse of Alexandria, adorns

Abusir lighthouse is similar to the Lighthouse of Alexandria, especially in terms of size and that it followed the same architectural style. The lighthouse consists of three main floors and there are stairs which were destroyed and restored in the modern era.

Recently, some scholars believed that the lighthouse was a large old mausoleum and some believed that it was a lighthouse used for maritime purposes.

A carved bath in a rocky plateau below Taposiris temple

Abusir developed during the Byzantine Emperor Justinian era (527-565 CE). Many bathes, markets and houses were built during the period. The emperor also built a government palace for the prosperity of the city market.

Justinian was Byzantine Emperor from 527 to 565. He was very successful in notable building of some of the worlds greatest architecture. - CC via Wikipedia

The director of Alexandria Antiquities, Adly Rushdi, affirmed that Abusir is one of the cities rich in antiquities. He also said that the Egyptian expedition discovered statues of Cleopatra and another statue that was the spokesman of the emperor at that time, which was placed as the first statue of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
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