Tuesday, April 10, 2018

‘Quarrying and landscape at Gebel el-Asr in the Old and Middle Kingdoms’,... - Academia.edu


Ian Shaw Ian Shaw
Bookmarked by Carlos Borrico

'Quarrying and landscape at Gebel el-Asr in the Old and Middle Kingdoms', Recent Discoveries and Latest Researches in Egyptology: Proceedings of the First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology, Naples, June 18th-20th 2008, ed. F. Raffaele, M. Nuzzollo, and I. Incordino (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2010), 293-312.

This paper presents a short summary of some of the results of a British-Norwegian- Egyptian geoarchaeological expedition to the Gebel el-Asr anorthosite gneiss quarries and chalcedony mines. The site is frequently referred to elsewhere as the 'Chephren diorite quarries' since it has long been recognized as the source of the blue-grey banded metamorphic rock from which six life-size seated statues of the 4th-Dynasty pharaoh Chephren (2520-2494 BC) were carved.

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Jorrit Kelder Jorrit Kelder
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Memphis, Minos, and Mycenae: Bronze Age contact between Egypt and the Aegean

Before 3000 BC, when there was no unified Egyptian state that controlled the entirety of the Nile Valley, the various communities along the shores of the Nile were already trading with each other and with people further afield. Close ties with communities in Canaan, and through these with regions further to the north, are evident from the numerous Sumerian- and Elamite- inspired elements in Late Predynastic and Early Dynastic ruler iconography. From Dynasty 6 (ca. 2345–2181 BC) onward, Egyptian texts speak of "Byblos ships," an indication of the growing importance of maritime trade,...

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Assaf Yasur-Landau Assaf Yasur-Landau
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Wine Storage Complex at the Middle Bronze II Palace of Tel Kabri: Results of the 2013 and 2015 Seasons

This report presents the architecture of the storage rooms found during the 2013 and 2015 excavations within the Middle Bronze Age Canaanite palace at Tel Kabri in present-day Israel, as well as the ceramic finds within them, and the initial results of the petrographic and organic residue analyses. We hope that this detailed preliminary report can supply some insights into a few of the activities conducted within this Canaanite palace during the early second millennium B.C.E.

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Gabi Pieke Gabi Pieke
Bookmarked by Carlos Borrico

"Lass deinen Namen hervorkommen" – Zur Appropriation von Einzelmotiven der Grabdekoration in Sakkara

The article deals with the cultural practice of appropriation of minor motifs as part of tomb decoration. Many monuments give evidences that some parts of the texts respectively names and titles of figures are not part of the original program but later additions. The case study deals with the large mastabas of Kagemni and Mereruka at the Teti Cemetery in Saqqara and analysis appropriation of a large number of minor figures.

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John Huehnergard John Huehnergard
Bookmarked by Nicolas Grimal

2011 A Grammar of Akkadian (3rd edition)

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Luigi Prada Luigi Prada
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Catalogue Entries II.30 (The Admonitions of Ipuwer), V.68 (Hieratic Letter to Khaemwaset), VI.8 (Papyrus with School Texts, Scribal Miscellany), VI.64 (Papyrus with Hymns to the God Amun), VII.14 (Papyrus with the Dream of Nectanebo), VII.82 (Funerary Stela), VII.84 (Funerary Stela of Didyma)

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Anna-Latifa Mourad Anna-Latifa Mourad
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Rise of the Hyksos. Egypt and Levant from the Middle Kingdom to the Early Second Intermediate Period

The monograph investigates how Egyptian-Levantine contact from the Middle Kingdom to the early Second Intermediate Period influenced and effected the rise of the Hyksos. Utilising theories on ethnicity and cultural mixing, it examines the changing nature of Egyptian-Levantine relations, and reassesses the Egyptian concept of the other. The approach is holistic, gathering archaeological, textual and artistic evidence from sites across three regions: Egypt; the Eastern Desert; and the Levant. This method is proven to be well-suited in shedding new light on the origins of the enigmatic Hyksos,...

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Luigi Prada Luigi Prada
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Visions of Gods: P. Vienna D 6633–6636, a Fragmentary Pantheon in a Demotic Dream Book

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Jana Mynarova Jana Mynarova
Bookmarked by Carlos Borrico

Handbook of Amarna Cuneiform Palaeography: A Project Update (2016)

Since 2012 a project dedicated to the palaeography and scribal practices of the Amarna tablets has been carried out at the Charles University, supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grant No. GA ČR P401/12/G168, "History and Interpretation of the Bible"). One of its main aims is to publish a special volume dedicated to the palaeography of the Amarna cuneiform corpus.

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Corinna Rossi Corinna Rossi
Bookmarked by Ian Shaw

• Corinna Rossi, 'The Identification of the Tomb Described on O. BM 8505', Göttinger Miszellen 187 (2002): 97-9.

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