Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blast your way through ancient Egypt with the upcoming Immortal Redneck for Switch | Immortal Redneck upcoming | Nintendo Switch | Pocket Gamer

No flames, please. This was just too absurd NOT to pass along. Glenn

Blast your way through ancient Egypt with the upcoming Immortal Redneck for Switch

Guns and ancient gods

Product: Immortal Redneck
For: Switch

Immortal Redneck Switch, thumbnail 1
Crema's ridiculously-titled rogue-like first person shooter Immortal Redneck will be blasting its way onto Switch on May 10th.

You'll play as the titular character, awakening as a mummy after crashing your dune buggy in the Egyptian desert. As you try to find out who is responsible for your undead state, you'll fight off mythological monsters with an array of weapons.

One element that helps keep the game from getting too repetitive is the presence of various scrolls that can modify the conditions you're in. These can be positive effects, like immunity to lava, or something negative, such as making the floor extra slippery.

The trailer shows a bright and splashy world that looks like it would be satisfying to blast your way through, coupled with a good dose of irreverence and mummies. The monster-destroying action can be yours for $19.99/£17.99 when it lands on May 10th.

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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