Monday, April 2, 2018

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Capturing Egypt on Glass: Photographic Treasures from the Ministry of Antiquities Archives

Dr. Khaled El-Enany, Minister of Antiquities and Hartwig Ficher Director of the British Museum inaugurated today 1st April, a temporary exhibition entitled "Capturing Egypt on Glass: Photographic Treasures from the Ministry of Antiquities Archives ", at hall No. 50 on the ground floor of the Egyptian Museum of Tahrir Square. it will be extended for two months until May 31, 2018.

Dr. Hisham Elleithy General Director of the Antiquities Documentation Center, explains that the exhibition includes 21 negatives of glass and 6 paintings about the history of photos in Egypt and the photographs were captured by the most important photographers during the 18th and 19th centuries. The exhibition also highlights the ways that used to preserve the negatives in the Ministry of Antiquities, in addition to displaying a collection of old cameras that were used in photographing on glass.

He continues that the exhibition shows the most important glass negatives that were documented through the Egyptian Documentation Project (March 2017 - April 2018), in cooperation with the Ministry of Antiquities and the British Museum.

He added that the Ministry of Antiquities has a unique documentary archive containing more than 60 thousand of different glass negatives, stored in the Egyptian Antiquities Documentation Center and the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir square, and more than 100,000 images.

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