Saturday, March 3, 2018

Northern Cal. ARCE Lecture March 18: Seafaring Ventures in the Late Bronze Mediterranean


The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Near Eastern Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a lecture by Dr. Caroline Sauvage, Loyola-Marymount University

Prestige From Overseas:
Maritime Trade and Seafaring Ventures
In the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean

Sunday, March 18, 3 pm

Room 20 Barrows Hall
UC Berkeley Campus

(Near the intersection
of Bancroft Way
and Barrow Lane)

A reconstruction of the interior of the Bronze Age Uluburun shipwreck, 1330-1300 BCE. Published here unchanged under the terms of this Creative Commons License.

About the Lecture:

The eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age (1550-1180 BC) was a period of intense exchanges of goods, ideas, and people who were traversing the sea and contributed to the creation of an international culture along its shores. The silent role of the sea, a connective tissue allowing for fast, high-volume transport of goods, as testified by the Uluburun shipwreck, was the driving force behind coastal prosperity. Elites of small city-states and large empires were competing for imported goods and the prestige associated with far-reaching seafaring ventures. The involvement of the rulers in maritime affairs denotes the importance of, if not the prestige associated with, seafaring activities.

This talk will present a broad overview of the Maritime sphere in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and will address diverse aspects of trade and seafaring activities, from shipbuilding, seafaring ventures and shipwrecks, to traders and mariners.

About the Speaker:

Image result for caroline sauvage loyola marymountCaroline Sauvage is an assistant professor in the Department of Classics and Archaeology at Loyola Marymount University. She received her BA in Art History and Archaeology as well as her MA and PhD in Archaeology of the Ancient World from the Université Lumière Lyon 2 in France. Her research interests include trade and maritime exchanges in the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the development and use of textile tools during the Late Bronze Age and early Iron Age. Her main focus is on exchanges, the status of objects, and their representations and use as identity markers across the eastern Mediterranean. Her work as an archaeologist is based on the study of material artifacts and their interconnections. She has been conducting extensive fieldwork in Cyprus, Egypt and Syria since 2002. Her book “Routes maritimes et systèmes d’échanges internationaux au Bronze récent en Méditerranée orientale” was published in 2012. Her professional honors include the young researcher award in Humanities from the city of Lyon, France (2007), and the “Prix Louis de Clerc” from the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (Paris) in 2011. She was recently a Scholar at the Getty Research Institute and received, in 2014, a Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship to work in collaboration with the Center for Textile Research in Copenhagen.

Parking is available in U.C. lots after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept either $5 bills or $1 bills, and debit or credit cards. The Underhill lot can be entered from Channing way off College Avenue. Parking is also available in lots along Bancroft, and on the circle drive in front of the Valley Life Sciences building.

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