Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Northern California ARCE Sedge and Bee 2018: The new pins are in!

Sedge and Bee 2018 pins are in! Your Sedge and Bee membership helps support ARCE-NC chapter programs.

Nearly all 
Northern California ARCE's membership dues go to national programs, so the chapter has devised a way to further support its free public lectures -- while offering a fun venue for chapter members to socialize: the Order of the Sedge and Bee. Sedge and Bee members pay $40 a calendar year ($60 for couples) to support chapter programs, and get a special pin and invitations to at least two parties a year. Join via PayPal 
for the 2018 calendar year on the chapter website for $42 ($64 for couples) -- the surcharge covers PayPal fees. Note in an email to chapter treasurer Ryan Helton ( or vice president Barbara Wilcox ( that you would like to be part of Sedge and Bee.

Thank you!

Barbara Wilcox
Vice President
Northern California ARCE

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