Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Announcement to membership re: Eugene Cruz-Uribe grant

The Board of Directors of the American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California chapter would like to honor our former Chapter member, colleague, and friend Eugene Cruz-Uribe who recently passed away. To do so, we would like to award a student grant in his memory. To date, $300 has been pledged for this purpose from Chapter members. If you would like to contribute to this fund in Gene's memory, please use the Donate button at the Chapter's website ( and in PayPal under "Special Instructions to the Seller" indicate that your donation is intended for the Cruz-Uribe Memorial Student Grant. If you would like to mail a check, please make it out to ARCE-NC and mail it to the attention of Ryan Helton, 222 Edinburgh St., San Francisco, CA 94112. In the memo line, please note that the donation is for the Cruz-Uribe Memorial Student Grant. We hope this student grant can, in some small way, continue Gene's legacy of generosity of spirit and commitment to teaching.

Thank you.

Board of Directors
Northern California Chapter
American Research Center in Egypt

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