Friday, March 16, 2018 Weekly Digest

Jacco Dieleman Jacco Dieleman
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

The Materiality of Textual Amulets in Ancient Egypt

This article traces the long history of textual amulets in ancient Egypt. Their origin and subsequent developments are reconstructed through a study of the materials used for their production and a close reading of the instructions contained in formularies for fashioning such amulets. A typology for textual amulets made of papyrus, which is based on physical and formal characteristics of the preserved artifacts, is presented.

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Niv Allon Niv Allon
Bookmarked by Rita Lucarelli

Seth is Baal: Evidence from the Egyptian Script

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Shirly Ben Dor Evian Shirly Ben Dor Evian
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Egypt and the Levant in the Iron Age I-IIA: The Ceramic Evidence

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Thomas Schneider Thomas Schneider
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

A Theophany of Seth–Baal in the Tempest Stele, in: Ägypten & Levante/Egypt & the Levant 20(2010), 405-409.

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Birgit van der Lans Birgit van der Lans
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Tacitus and the Persecution of the Christians: An Invention of Tradition?, Eirene 53 (2017), 299-331

Tacitus' description of Nero's punishment of Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64 has made a great impact on later understandings of Christian history. However, several questions have been raised concerning the accuracy of this account, and recently the historicity of a persecution of Christians un- der Nero has been denied altogether by Brent Shaw. This article discusses the most important objections and tries to achieve a better understanding of the events by combining an analysis of the narrative functions of this persecution in Tacitus with a new consideration of the earliest...

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Joshua Aaron Roberson Joshua Aaron Roberson
Bookmarked by Peter Manuelian

A Very Brief Introduction to Hieratic

This document was developed as an aid for graduate students beginning instruction in the ancient Egyptian Hieratic script. It assumes that the student possesses a working knowledge of Egyptian grammar and the Hieroglyphic script. Several concise sign lists, adapted from the standard palaeographic manual of Georg Möller, organize phonetic signs by function (i.e., mono-, bi-, and tri-literals) and phonetic order, as a means of streamlining the process of identifying potential or suspected sign values. In addition, the document provides brief overviews to some of the common challenges that...

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Felix Höflmayer Felix Höflmayer
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Höflmayer, F., ed. 2017. The Late Third Millennium in the Ancient Near East: Chronology, C14 and Climate Change. Oriental Institute Seminars 11. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

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David Warburton David Warburton
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Bronze Age World System

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David Wengrow David Wengrow
Bookmarked by Ian Shaw

'Kingship, revolution and time: perspectives on materiality and modernity'. In James, W., Mills, D. (Eds.). The Qualities of Time: Anthropological Approaches (London & New York: Berg, 2005)

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Helmut Satzinger Helmut Satzinger
Bookmarked by Rita Lucarelli


zero article, bare noun, absolutive case in Accadian, Berber, East Cushitic, French, Celtic languages, Basque, Old Nubian, Late Egyptian, Coptic.

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