Friday, March 9, 2018

The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir displays three artifacts of its treasures to celebrate the International Women's Day

The Egyptian Museum in Tahrir displays three artifacts of its treasures to celebrate the International Women's Day
To celebrate the International Women's Day, the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir displays today three artifacts of its treasures at its foyer highlighting the role of women in ancient Egypt.
Elham Salah Head of the Museums Sector at the Ministry of Antiquities explains that one of the artifacts is selected from the basrment of the museum and depicts a collaboration of Jewellerys of Queen Keramama, wife of Takelothis II and mother of king Osorkon III. It was originally found in Tell el-Muqdam (Leontopolis), including pectoral with Khnum and goddesses, diadem with cobra, bracelets with scarab, udjat eye and cobra, and a gold scorbion with human head wearing Hathor Headdress.
The second object that was on show at the third gallery on the museum's ground floor is a
red quartzite head from a composite statue of Queen Nefertiti, wife of the monotheistic king Akhenaten (1353-1336). Mit Rahina. It was excavated by C. Fisher in 1916.
The third object is a limestone Greek-Roman statuette of a woman
It was repatriated from France in 2017

On his part, Sabah AbdelRazek said that the day the activities of the day include displaying a presenting in a large monitor in the entrance of the museum that tells the history of women in ancient Egypt and its role in the various fields, in addition to a free evening guided tour accompanied by museum curators.

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