Thursday, February 1, 2018

Rock-hewn burial shaft uncovered in Egypt's Abusir necropolis - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

Rock-hewn burial shaft uncovered in Egypt's Abusir necropolis

Nevine El-Aref , Thursday 1 Feb 2018
Three rock-hewn burial shafts filled with coffins and faience pots have been uncovered in Egypt's Abusir necropolis near Cairo.
The discovery was made after authorities received reports of illegal excavations in the area.
Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, told Ahram Online that the antiquities ministry formed an archaeological committee led by Sabri Farag, the director-general of the Saqqara Necropolis, to conduct urgent excavations at the site.
Waziri explains that excavation revealed three rock-hewn burial shafts containing funerary collections, including four wooden coffins in bad conservation condition bearing hieroglyphic texts.
Farag says that one of these texts bears the cartouche of King Ptolemy IV (244 – 204 BC), but the remaining text is not clear enough to decipher. More studies are set to be carried out to determine to which reign the coffins belong.
Farag said the coffins hold four mummified bodies, presumably of birds, along with three round-shaped linen wrappings housing the mummies' stomachs.
A collection of 38 symbolic pots carved in faience was also found. All the objects are being held in storage at the site for restoration.

a mummy that may belongs to a bird
a mummy that may belongs to a bird
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