Thursday, January 11, 2018

Temples of the South I - Egypt Today
Abu Simbel Temple – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia Abu Simbel Temple – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

Temples of the South I

Wed, Jan. 10, 2018

CAIRO – 10 January 2018: Most people probably think of the Abu Simbel temple complex when talking about temples of southern Egypt. However, the south is full of great temples constructed by different kings, especially by the most celebrated ancient Egyptian king Ramses II.

Egypt Today will present facts about several temples in the south of Egypt that were constructed during the time of King Ramses II. Also, these temples were relocated during the UNESCO mission to protect them from Nile water during the High Dam construction.

In his book "Abu Simbel: Maabed El Shams El Moshreka" (Abu Simbel: The Temples of the Rising Sun), prominent archaeologist and author Zahi Hawas sheds light on different temples of the south.

Temple of Beit El-Wali (The Temple of the Holy Man)

Located near Kalabsha Temple, Beit El-Wali is a rock-cut ancient Egyptian temple, constructed by Ramses II.

Also, it is considered as the oldest temple built by King Ramses II in this region. In addition, it was also dedicated to the deities of Amun-Re, Re-Horakhti, Khnum and Anuket.

Later on, the temple was used by a Christian hermit.

In the 1960s, the temple was relocated to protect it from the impacts by the High Dam construction.

Temple of Beit El-Wali – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia
Temple of Wadi El-Sebua (The Temple Valley of Lions)

Located 150 kilometers south of Aswan, the temple of Wadi El-Sebua is considered the second biggest temple in the south.

It was dedicated to the deities of Amun-Re, Re-Horakhti and King Ramses II.

It was relocated between 1961 and 1965 to a new location, four kilometers away from the old one.

The new location was named "Wadi El-Sebua" (Valley of Lions) due to the large number of small sphinxes on both sides of the temple, which is named "Kebash Road."

Temple of Wadi El Sebua – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia
Temple of Derr

Located 208 kilometers south of Aswan, the temple was constructed by Ramses II during his 30th year of reign. It was dedicated to the gods Ptah and Amun. Its walls carry different inscriptions and scenes of King Ramses' military campaigns in Nubia.

Temple of Derr – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia
Temple of Gerf Hussein

It is the smallest temple constructed by King Ramses II, and it is located in Gerf Hussein area.

Constructed during the 35th year of Ramses II's reign, it followed the same architectural style of Wadi El-Sebua.

Dedicated to the gods Ptah, Ptah Tatenen, Hathor and Ramses II, the temple witnessed a number of changes and the King Ramses statue was moved to Nubia Temple.

Temple of Gerf Hussein – Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia
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