Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Northern California ARCE Upcoming 2018 Egyptology Lectures

American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Northern California Chapter





ARCE's Northern California Chapter is pleased to present the following lectures by renowned Egyptologists. All lectures take place on the University of California Berkeley campus.

High Officials Under the Reign of Senwosret III
February 11 - 3:00 PM - Room 20 Barrows Hall
Dr. Kei Yamamoto, University of Arizona

Maritime Trade and Seafaring Ventures in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean
March 18 - 3:00 PM - Room 20 Barrows Hall
Dr. Caroline Sauvage, Loyola-Marymount University

Houses of Eternity: How to Get a Decorated Tomb in Ancient Egypt
April 15 - 3:00 PM - Room 20 Barrows Hall
Dr. Deanna Kiser-Go, University of California Berkeley

New Taweret in the Museum's Collection (tentative)
May 6 - 3:00 PM - Room 20 Barrows Hall
Dr. Diana Craig Patch, Metropolitan Museum of Art

For more information, please visit arce-nc.org or facebook.com/NorthernCaliforniaARCE/

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