Friday, December 8, 2017

Fwd: Oppose a Tax on Graduate Students' Tuition Waivers


Dear AIA member;
For all of you who attended or plan to attend graduate school, help ensure that the final version of the U.S. tax bill does not tax tuition waivers.

The House Tax Bill would tax graduate students' tuition waivers, making graduate school unaffordable for many. The Senate Bill did not include this provision.

As the House and Senate work to reconcile their bills, it's vital that you tell your Members of Congress that you oppose the House version. 

We urge you to call or write your Members of Congress today through this advocacy link provided by the National Humanities Alliance:
Learn more about the proposal to tax tuition waivers here:
Jodi Magness, President
Archaeological Institute of America

Archaeological Institute of America, Boston University, 44 Beacon St., 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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